Realistic nightmares..

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"I'm fine, really I am." I smiled at my friend and I could tell she didn't believe me. "Are you sure because you guys were going out for a long time and you just don't care he cheated!" I rolled my eyes and smiled again "I am thirteen going on fourteen and I have way too much to worry about way before a stupid fifteen year old idiot! Lolya, I promise I won't try to commit suicide or anything stupid to that manner." She nodded and smiled. "I am really sorry Ryoko. You and Koya were such a cute couple but I guess Binya had her eye on hurting you in the best way she could." I sat next to Lolya and put my hand on her hand and said, "Thank you for being her for me in my time of despair. Also, why do Binya and her minions hate me so much! I have been nothing but a SAINT to them!" She shrugged and I felt a vibration. It was Lolya's phone and it was her boyfriend, Milo. "Hello darling, I am at Ryoko's house and she figured out some bad news but I will tell you later so why did you call? Not that I didn't want you too or anything but- ughhh- I mean!" Milo interrupted her and told her it was fine then asked if she could meet him at the mall downtown. She gave me a look, I nodded yes and smiled. "Of course Lolya! I don't own you." I whispered so she said yes and hugged me then left in a hurry. "Thank god! She's gone, now I can cry!" I said to myself. I sat on my bed and cried my eyes out for two hours listening to "Green Day" and "Simple Plan". "Ryoko?" My mom opened the door and took one look at me crying and singing sad songs. "Ryoko! Are you okay, baby? What happened? Was it Lolya? It was wasn't it! I wondered why she randomly ran out the door. I will kill her for hurting my baby gir-" "No mom! It wasn't Lolya...... it was K-Koya. He cheated on me with that bitch Binya!" I realized a cussed in front of my mom and I felt ashamed "I am so sorry! I didn't mean to curse! It's just I was so angry." I started crying again and my mom grabbed me up and hugged me. "Oh baby. I wish I could have protected you from this!" We sat on the bed and my mom sat on my journal "What's this? A journal?" "MOM! That is personal!" She gasped and stood up " Is this a.........a....... a suicide note!" I snatched it back "Why do you care?You are to depressed to even care! You don't need me at all; in fact I think this is the first time you have paid any attention to my feelings in a long time!" I ran out of my room and out of the house into the street then my mom ran after me with a knife "Fine then Ryoko! I will just get rid of you and live a happy normal life!" I jumped up and found myself in my bed. "Koya!" I screamed then texted him


He replied immediately

*Hello? Why are you up at two in the morning on a Sunday? Is everything ok, darling?*

Personally I was worried my dream was a sign but I decided to lie instead to spare his feelings.

*No, bad dream is all. Did I wake you? (Stupid question :)) Srry for waking you up!*

He stopped texting for thirty minutes and I had started writing in my diary and my phone went off.

*No I was awake and srry about your dream. I am super tired, srry but I have been up since dawn of yesturday. I luv u bye!*

I was relieved he said "I love you!"

*No prob. I luv u2*

Around 3 in the morning I got so tired I could barely stand it. "Good night, Cora!" I whispered as I lied in bed and waited till I drifted into sweet slumber since tomorrow was a school day. I thought about what I had been through in the past ten years, because my mom and dad left us to fend for our self only ten years ago although it feels like a life time ago they were deeply in love and now he probably doesn't even know or care if I am alive. I also thought about Cora, the friend I had lost in a car accident that I was apart of. We were going to visit my family in America since that's where I am from but I was born in Japan. My mom and dad's family lives there though. It has been 2 years since the accident, a truck pulled over in our lane and pushed us against a bridge on Cora's side then we got pushed off the bridge and Cora's door was already broken so it flung open and the car landed on her. We had been friends since the first grade. We both lived in the same area and went to the same school Up until that day we were inseparable. I miss her so much and yeah, I could have replaced Cora with any other bubbly, funny girl in the whole school but considering it took me a year just to gain courage to talk to her... that wasn't going to happen. When I met Lolya and she claimed me as her best friend I got out of my depressed stage but still, it was different considering I told Cora anything and almost everything so I had trouble opening up to Lolya, and because my shyness I stayed very distant from my family and kids at school. In fact, to this very day Lolya is my only friend and I put up a barrier between us because sometimes I feel she is getting to close and could hurt me. I most likely do this because of all the backstabbing people I've met in my life time on Earth. My dad backstabbed my mother when he left us to go to Paris and shack up with girls. Also, I feel my mother backstabbed me. It sounds weird, a mother backstabbing her daughter, but she said "No matter if I re-marry to another man, you and Kashima mean the world to me! No man can fill the huge hole I have for you two in my heart!" Now she spends most of her time with him in their computer room and they constantly go out to eat when Kashima (my sixteen year old sister) and I are at school or visiting our real father, which we do every other weekend. I finally feel asleep after crying a little. Now a days, that's the only way I do go to sleep. Crying.

I woke up at six, went to school and came home. "I'm home, had a horrible day but that is excepted since I have no friends, oh that's not true I do have Lolya! I'm going on a walk." I told my mom all in a rush. "Umm... honey. Is everything oka-" I walked toward and hugged her.... for the first time in a while, I must admit. I had hugged my mom a lot but this is the first time she really hugged me back and not sarcastically. "I'm fine. I just have had a long day and all the kids (as usual) picked at me and I just want to get away from mankind! I love you and I'm sorry I am being so distance." She started crying, as she did almost every time we talked. My sister walked in after me, I rushed by her and ran out the door because I hate watching her cry over a pathetic waste of space as me! I ran to the lake and sat on the bank. I watched the water rush over the rocks, I thought of life and how much I didn't want to be in it! I got a text from Koya.

Hey Ryoko. What's up?

I was about to reply when I happened to glance at the time and saw it was 8:54 p.m. " Oh my gosh! It is so late and Mama is probably so worried!" I ran through the woods and got lost in the dark. I completely forgot to text back Koya but I didn't bother doing it while I was running. I tripped over a tree stump and fell in the mud. "Ah! Help!" I said but for some reason it wasn't loud. I could get it to be loud and it hurt to breathe, "This is it, I'm going to die! I always said I wanted to die but. Not like this! The only thing I told my mom is 'I am fine.' not even 'I love you'!" I started crying and really hard too. "Hello? Is there anyone here? I heard someone say something! Come on, I don't have all night!" I heard a man that sounded young say. I tried to speak but the words never came, I screamed but all that came out was a squeak! "Was that a sign your here or just a forest rat?" I decided to play music off my phone. I played Lips of an angel and he heard me then rushed by my side. "Are you okay?" Everything started to fade to black but I managed to say "Yes, but I feel di-di-dizzy." Then I must have fainted because I woke up in a huge bed. " Hello?" I got out of bed and walked to the door. I peeked my head out and saw a cat tail or a tiger tail! I really couldn't tell but I was determined to find out so I crept behind it. "Got you kitty kitt-" I looked up to find a cat like human thing! It looked half cat, half human. "I must be dreaming because you are half cat half human!" He looked gentle and kind "Well I didn't want to be a babysitter so I wish I were dreaming and who you calling 'Kitty kitt-" I was wrong on the sweet part and I felt like I was intruding but it was just a dream so it's not like it matters. "Well, I am sorry for being a burden so I will be on my way." I tried to run but I fell straight on my face. "Ow." I whispered. He giggled and helped me up, "Did you forget your incident in the woods already?" I shook my head no then decided to call my mom and tell her I was at a friend's house for the night. I felt around for my phone but no luck "Uh, my phone! My phone is gone! It must be in the woo-" He grabbed my arm and put something in my hand. "My phone? How did you? Did you take this!?!" He smiled ,an evil smile at that, he nodded and said " I've never seen one so I took it to see what it did but it kept buzzing and got to be annoying!" I looked at my phone. 45 messages. "Oh my gosh! My mom texted me so many times but it is only a dream so she can't worry too much!" I said, relieved. "This isn't a dream! It is Opitwon. The magical city where animals are real and human-like. I honestly don't know how you got here but Uniso can't figure out or he will hurt or maybe even kill you!" I swallowed as I realized that the fall I had probably would have scared me and woke me but it didn't so I was really in a magical city! "Who is Uniso? Your mayor or leader or president?" He nodded and said "Pretty much all of the above but he is also my-" "Master there is someone here to see you!" said a bunnyish girl. "Human! Human trying to hurt Raniso! Help!" He grabbed her and put his hand on her mouth. "No! She means no harm, Bunison! This is..Umm... well?" I realized we hadn't even got on a first name basis. "Ryoko Yotsihuma of Japan!" and I now knew his name, Raniso. "Is she a guest?" asked Bunison. "Yeah, sort of. This is my maid, Bunison! Ryoko are you going to stay quiet so no one else finds you?" I nodded and thought of my mother and how worried she must be.... if this isn't a dream!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2022 ⏰

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