What the Hell?

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Alice's POV

I lied in my room on my bed while watching AA interviews. It was nice, while it lasted. I checked the time to see that it was 9:00pm.

I got up and went outside with my two Siberian huskies, Max and Maggie.

It was rather nice, before it was interrupted by a vehicle coming down my driveway. The vehicle was stopped by the gate. Whoever it was jumped the fence.

I quickly hid behind the Pump house and turned my music down to 0.

'What the hell is going on?' I though to myself.

They walked up to my front door and knocked. The door was opened shortly afterward. They had gone inside the house.

I walked out from behind the pump house and squatted down next to Max. He laid there chewing on a bone. It was now 9:52 pm, I had grabbed my dogs by the collar and brought them inside and put them to bed.

The 5 people who went in still haven't come out. I shut off the lights to the back porch and walked back to my room.

There were footsteps near my door. My bedroom door opened only to find my mom standing there.

"Alice," my mother started.
"Can you come out to the living room please?" She asked

I nodded, slid off my bed, fixed my hair and walked into the living room.

There were 5 figures on the couch, my dad was on the foot rest, and my mom took the one of the recliners. I sat down criss cross in the other recliner.

"Okay, so we're all here. Now what?" My dad noted.

I looked around the room, not saying anything. The 5 figures I had recognized. They had saved my life, and they were in my living room. I couldn't say anything, they were Asking Alexandria.

"Alice, what do think we should do?" Ben asked.

"You all do realize that sometime soon you'll have to explain what the hell is going on right?" I noted.

"Alice, how old do you think you are?" My dad asked.

"14, but that's just a fact. My birthday is March 5th, 2001. I think I'd know when my birthday is." I replied.

"Alice, there's not really any other way you tell you this, other than you're not really who you think you are....you're name is the same, but...you're really 16 years old. You have amnesia, when you woke up in the hospital, we had made up and new birthday. We didn't want you to leave so soon." My mom broke in.

"And that's good news to me. So I can get a GED and never go back to school. But what about my friends? And why is Asking Alexandria in our house?" I stated.

"They're all 2 years older than they say they are. You're still the youngest, except for Aubrie and Realm of corse." My dad replied.
"Okay, but this still doesn't answer my other question... Why is Asking Alexandria in our house?" I repeated.
"Well.....you see the thing is....." My mom hesitated.
"Still waiting. Out with it." I insisted.

"A few years ago we....we ran into some people we owe money to....from gambling...... And they had a son..and we made a deal. That you'd marry their son, at age 16... And you're 16 now." My mom said cautiously.

"And their son was who? Is it one of them? They're all in their 20's! I'm 16!" I exclaimed.

"That would be me... I just found out a yesterday." Denis confessed.

I stared at him with wide eyes. "How much money did you owe?" I asked.

"I forgot. A large number at that. We were gonna go broke. What other choice did we have?" My dad shot.

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