Chapter 1

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"Gosh! I can't believe we graduated today!" My best friend Megan squealed while I zipped the back of her dress.

"I'm just surprised Ben Underwood graduated. How many times can you copy homework off of James before you get held back?" I laughed and laid Megan's hair over the back of her dress.

"No kidding! But I mean it's Ben and he's a babe." He smiled and finished spraying 10 pounds of hairspray in her hair.

"You're disgusting." I shook my head and tied the laces of my black converse.

"I can't believe you're not dressing up more." She put her hands on her hips and hovered over me.

"It's a party Meg. I'm not trying to impress anyone and I'm not trying to get attention. I think my pink shorts and black tank top look good on me thank you very much!" I stood up and grabbed my phone off of her bed.

"Well then prissy pants! Are you ready to go?" She grabbed her phone and put on her black sandals.

"Yep!" I followed her out to her car and we drove over to Chuck Bryant's cabin for the party.

Chuck really knows how to throw a party. The cabin is large with five bedrooms and two bathrooms. There's a lot of open space that Chuck used to set up beer pong and crap. There was a lot of people there when we pulled up and the cabin was crazy loud. Megan found her boyfriend Scott and ditched me, so I grabbed a bottle from the cooler and headed outside.

"Here alone?" Ben Underwood sat down beside me on the front porch steps.

"Uhh no. Megan's in there with Scott." I set my bottle on the step in front of me.

"I see. How was your graduation party?" He took a drink of something in his red cup.

"It was good. I had a lot of people there that I hadn't seen in a while." I finished off my bottle and set it back down.

"Same. I guess it sucked that my mom wasn't there." He looked down at his hands that held his cup.

"Where was she?"

"Oh uhh dad caught her with Sam Higgins last weekend and let's just say they haven't been on speaking terms since then." He nodded and looked at me with his sad eyes.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled and looked down at my shoes.

"Hey. Come walk with me." He stood up and grabbed my hand, pulling me to my feet.

"Can we go get drinks first?" I slowly let go of his hand.

"I'll go get them and then we'll go." He smiled and walked into the cabin.

I didn't mind being around Ben. It's probably the fact that he's drinking right now and isn't technically acting himself, unless the real Ben is nice.

"Here you go." He handed me a red cup with some foreign drink in it.

"What is this?" I smelled the drink and cringed.

"It tastes better than it smells. Also, it's kinda strong." He laughed and started walking. "Coming?" He stopped and turned around.

"Yeah." I followed him into the trees on the trail towards the lake.

The further we got out the quieter the party got. We were about 1/4 mile away from the cabin and I hadn't taken a drink of the mystery liquid. He sat down under a tree and faced the lake.

"It's so quiet out here." I sat down on the ground next to him and leaned against the big tree.

"I know. Quiet is always good." He took a sip of his drink.

I decided to be nice and to take a drink of whatever he gave me. I started coughing and choking.

"Oh my God are you ok?" He set down his cup and kneed next to me.

"Yeah this is just really strong." I spit and wiped my mouth.

"I warned you." He mumbled and sat back down.

After an hour of sitting there making small talk and drinking that terrible crap, I was drunk.

"You know what? You're cute." I laughed and put my hand on his arm.

"Am I?" He laughed and grabbed my hips, pulling me closer to him.

"I'm going to kiss you." I wrapped my arms around his neck and brought my lips to his.

He pushed me on my back and kept kissing me.

"Ben stop." I said between kisses.

"Come on Jess." He pressed his hands on my hips.

"Ben I barely know you." I pushed on his chest but he wouldn't budge.

"Trust me Jess." He pinned down my arms and kept kissing me.

I gave up. I let his body consume me. He pulled me even closer to him, making our bodies touch.

I woke up the next morning to birds chirping. I turned away from the lake where the sun was reflecting and saw Ben sleeping right beside me.

"Oh my gosh." I grabbed my shoes and stood up.

I walked back to the cabin, hoping that Megan stayed the night here but when I got there, the only cars left were Ben's and Chuck's. I ran back to Ben, shaking him awake.

"What?" He grumbled.

"I need you to take me home." I kept shaking his arm.

"Ok. Wait what happened last night?" He sat up and pulled on his cowboy boots.

"I think we did it." I stood there, waiting for him to get his butt in gear.

"With you?" He laughed and followed me to his truck.

"Yeah you're funny! You got me drunk." I climbed into the front seat of his truck and put on my seat belt.

"Alright so I'm not exactly 100% sure where you live." He drove down Main Street.

"Turn right at the corner." I directed him.

"Ok." He turned right and kept driving down Elmwood.

"Brown house." I pointed to his left side and he pulled off to the side of the road.

"Here you go. And I'm sorry for getting you drunk." He smiled and unlocked the doors.

"Yes and thanks for the ride." I rolled my eyes and walked toward my house, waving at him before entering.

I went to my room and took a hot shower, washing away the mistakes of last night. I didn't plan on getting drunk, let alone sleeping with Ben Underwood.

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