Chapter 1

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Dragonheart is just another young girl in the Nomad kingdom. Dragon has long, bright blond hair and green eyes. One day, while hunting, she saw a Korblox man. He had diamond armour and was chopping a tree. She, being a Nomad, had silver armour. Dragon stayed out of his sight range until she found some wood that would be useful for crafting. She took out her axe and started chopping wood. Then she heard a voice. She whipped around and saw the Korblox guy walking toward her. He unsheathed his sword and approached slowly. He had a diamond sword and Dragon only had a new golden sword. She put the axe away and was backed up against the tree. He pointed his sword at her neck and said,
"Do you surrender?" Dragon's eyes hardened and she whistled. Her sister and brother came out from behind a tree.
"Never." She whispered. She took out her sword and aimed at his neck as well. They were at a stand still. Her siblings approached and pointed at his neck. He lowered his sword and sighed.
"I surrender. Now can I go?" Dragon nodded and let him go. He walked away back towards the Korblox kingdom.
"Thanks guys. That would have been a really hard fight if you weren't there."
"No problem." Her brother, Tylien, said. He had short brown hair with blue eyes.
"I'm glad that we made that agreement to always have each other's back." Her sister, Hannah, sighed. Hannah had long blond hair,like her sister, but with blue eyes.
"Yeah. Well I am going to look for more wood." Dragon said.
"We got to go mine. Are you sure you will be fine?" Hannah asked.
"I'll be fine." Dragon reassured. Tylien nodded and walked off with Hannah to the mines. As soon as they were out of view, Dragon took off. She didn't know where she was going but she had a strange feeling about that Korblox man. Dragon heard voices up ahead and she climbed a tree. She snuck out to a low branch, as low as she dared, and peered down. It was the same guy and he was talking to the king.
"Snake, are you telling me that the Nomads are getting stronger?" The king asked.
"Yes sir." Snake said.
"We will send an army to the Nomads. Get the warriors ready. We will weaken the Nomads so badly that they will perish after our final attack."
"Sir, yes sir." Snake then ran towards the kingdom and ordered them to open the gate. Dragon gasped and saw the king walk away. She slid down the tree and looked at Korblox and then into the trees and back again. She took off toward Korblox and it started to rain and dark clouds rolled into the sky. Darkness meant Dragon had more luck at succeeding. She slid under the closing gate and it slammed shut behind her. She saw the men preparing for battle. She stayed in the shadows and slipped past all the men. She made it to the king's throne. She took a left towards the vault and looked at the lock. She took out a pick and picked the lock. She opened the vault and her eyes widened. She had never seen anything so amazing before. There was so much gold that she gasped and backed up. When Dragon did so, she bumped into something behind her. She turned around slowly and saw Snake standing there. Dragon gasped and backed up against the vault. Again? I really got to stop getting myself into these situations! Dragon sighed.
"You got me, I surrender." He grinned and grabbed Dragon's shoulder. He dragged her out the king's throne room and to the side of the kingdom, past all the men and past the stores. He took her to the dungeons and shoved her in a cell. He closed the door and walked away. She smirked and took out her lock pick. She picked the cell lock and ran to the gate. Everyone was gone and Dragon sighed. She raced to the blacksmith and took him down quickly. She then made a Dracofang (which was the stongest and best sword). Dragonheart raced up the slant that led to the top of the wall and leapt down. She then raced to the Nomads. When she got there she saw devastation and nothing more than a barren rocky landscape. By her feet she saw a Nomad helm which was beaten up and had several indents. She picked it up and studied it carefully. Then she saw movement in the corner of her eye. She dropped the helm and rushed over. It was Tylien. He was staggering over from what looked like an avalanche. He had a gash on his arm and on his right eye, had a scratch from his eyebrow to below his eye. Most of his armour was so badly damaged that some chainmail armour was missing.
"Tylien! What happened?!" Before anyone could say anything Dragonheart realized that Hannah was in Tylien's arms. She had a scar down the left side of her face and down her neck. She also had gone unconscious and that scared Dragon. Her armour was dented as well.
"T-the whole place was attacked by Korblox. They caused the avalanche while I was fighting and Hannah was right in its range. I barely was able to save her but when I was, t-they won the battle and took everyone who wasn't dead. I pretended to be dead but we were looking everywhere for you. Where did you g-go?" Tylien stuttered.
"I was trying to stop them." Dragon whispered. She looked behind her and saw Snake. Dragon got to see him for the first time, because he didn't have his helm. He had black spikey hair and brown eyes. He had a cut on his cheek and his armour was damaged. Dragon's eyes hardened and she drew her Dracofang. He looked at it in surprise. Tylien looked scared and Hannah was just waking up.
"Tylien? What's going on?" She murmured.
"Dragon is protecting us." Tylien answered. She turned her head and saw Dragon protecting them from Snake.
"Why did you do this?!" Dragonheart shrieked with tears streaming down her face.
"I-i didn't mean-" he tried to say.
"I SPIED ON YOU AND I HEARD EVERYTHING! EVERY SINGLE WORD! THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT!" She cut him off and lunged. He drew his sword and blocked her attack. She attacked again and then Dragon leapt on a rock. She jumped over his head and landed behind him. She sliced her sword and it hit his shoulder. He fell to his knees and held his shoulder. Then he got up and walked away, still clutching his shoulder with his sword dragging behind him. Dragon fell to her knees and was crying. Snake looked back and frowned. He then walked away.

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