I was enchanted to meet you (1/3)

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♪ I remember we were living like kings and queens, in a little castle made of hopes and dreams ♪

- Top in "Dancing on my own" ft. GD & Pixie Lott

Through all of his life Choi Seunghyun had always known what to do and be in control, now he knew fatherhood was a life changing event in a man's life and thought he had everything covered.

Well nah.

He didn't have anything under control starting with when he learned of his unborn child's existence. No, it goes even further than that. He started losing control over his life when he met her.Nicki Minaj, world famous rapper and probably the most badass woman he ever encountered. From the moment they met he had been blown away by her and the way, she fascinated everyone in the room. She had come to Korea after being hired as the ambassador of an International makeup Brand. It had been a first in the country and was on the front page of many newspapers. Then with that Nicki also launched her alcoholic beverage line "Onyx" and everyone was waiting for her to come to Korea for the big launching party. Seunghyun had been invited of course and probably wouldn't have showed up if it had not been for JiYoung annoying way of getting anyone to do what he wanted.

"Come on, Hyung" he began whining "why are you being like this ?"

"I don't have any interest whatsoever to go to this event" he sighed, bored by his bandmates attitude. "Plus this girls seems so rude, why the hell would waste my time on a snobbish person when I already have you ?"

" yah Hyung ! how many times am I gonna have to repeat myself : I am not snob, I just don't like to waste my time on basic people" "and plus she's not a girl she's a noona and you should treat her with the respect she deserves."

The oldest member of BigBang only rolled his eyes at his dongsaeng foolishness but eventually complied with his will and accepted to go the event. He planned to show up, take pictures, drink a little and get out off there as soon as he could. Needless to say, that's not what happened at all.


This was the only thing going through his mind as he laid his eyes on her for the very first time. Nicki Minaj was a masterpiece and he had turned into an art lover. He had travelled to many countries and seen all types of beautiful women but never struck him as much a Nicki did. She got him fucked up to say the least, and she wasn't even looking at him. She was surrounded by many people, all in awe in front of the beauty and generous curves. She looked radiant almost like god a projected light onto her and compelled everyone to look at her. Or maybe Seunghyun had simply fallen head over heels in love with this beautiful woman who decided to grace his existence with hers.

"Ew hyung, ew." Seungri simply said next to him before leaving, a disgusted look on his face.

It's only then that Seunghyun realised he said all of that out loud and Taeyang just laughed at him before going away, probably in search of the girl who will keep him company for the night. And just like that Seunghyun had been left alone, unbelievable I accept to come here for them and they ditch me as soon as we get here ?! he thought rolling his eyes.

"What's got you all grumpy? it's a party you should be having fun," a melodious female voice said in English.

He lowered his eyes a bit and his heart skip a bit because in front of him was the gorgeous Nicki Minaj softly smiling at him. Up close she was even more beautiful, now he could see her playful shiny eyes, rimmed with dark eyeliner and framed by long and thin eyelashes. It's when she simply blinked and his heart skip a beat again did he realise he was fucked. He was acting like a teenager who had finally gotten the courage to speak to his long-term crush who turned to be the most beautiful girl in school. Well, even if they weren't in school and she hadn't been his long-term crush it still kinda felt like it. Anyway, he had yet to answer her and was instead simply staring at her.

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