In The End (Harry Styles love story)

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I run my feet pounding against the ground, tears streaming down my face. I try to run faster but slip due to the rain. I yelp out in pain as the man chasing me jumps on top of me sending me flying face first to the ground.

"Please stop!" I yell a sob breaking free. "I didn't do anything! Just stop!"

The man puts a hand around my neck then whispers in my ear.

"Don't yell anymore or I'll kill you." A lump is formed in my throat.

I stay silent only whimpering when he flips me over ripping open my neon yellow tank-top. He smiles sadisticly as he cups my left breast and squeezes to tightly for comfort. He lifts me up and unclasps my bra yanking it off me, and thats when I make a mistake I scream.

"You little bitch!" The man slaps me across the cheek then places a cloth in my mouth.

I look at him tears filling my eyes sobs trying to escape but are only muffled, my body trying to move away. He starts to remove my pants, but then stops to grab a pocket knife out of his back pocket.

"If you keep on making noise princess then I might just have to cut up your pretty little face." I stare at him in shock and the tears start to come faster as I shake my head trying to back away only to get slapped again.

I hear foot steps, and my attacker stops moving trying to stay silent. I try to wiggle away but my attacker presses the knife to my neck digging into it slightly.

"I know your back here. Now I'm giving you a choice get away from her or I'll kill you." I hear a deep slightly husky voice say, the tone in the voice seems almost deadly, shocking me slightly.

I take a few moments to think before I  scream, even though  it may be muffled by the cloth. After I scream I start to pray the the owner of the voice might have heard my muffled scream. When I try to move again the man presses the knife harder against my neck causing fear to spread even quicker, soon a feeling of dread sets over a pressure on my chest so much that its hard to breath. Running foots steps can be heard as I look around in hopes of someone being there to save me.

"Let go or her now. I am giving you one chance." I hear the voice from before but this time his voice has a demonic tone to it.

After a few moments my attacker laughs as he slowly gets up, turning around to look at the person who I am assuming is behind him.

"And who are you to tell me that I can't kill her?" The attacker say his voice seeming slightly drunken now that I have time to think about it.

"I am her-" That is the last thing I hear before my vision starts to blur before I completely black out.

~Le time skips ((A/N: When the font is like this Lalala Then she is dreaming otay?? Otay ;3))~

I wake up in the same ally way but this time its lit up by the morning sun, a calming feeling passes over me before I feel the dread. I start to look around finally spotting my attacker, as he walks closer and closer I find that is it harder for me to move, when I finally can move he bends down grasping at my chin making me look him in the eyes. I feel a cold object press against my cheek slowly scraping along till I feel warm blood slipping down my cheek, soon the pain kicks in and I scream loudly, my high pitched scream likely to wake up anyone who lives near.

"This is what you get for getting away from me, and for sending that pathetic boy after me." The man whispers in my ear sending grotesque shivers down my spine. "Now wake up, and when you wake be deathly afraid of the games, the game that you are trapped in."

I whimper again as everything fades once again to black.

~Le another time skip~

I open my eyes quickly looking around noticing that I am not in my bedroom not even in my house for that matter, shock starts to set in as I look around quickly suddenly feeling a dull ache in the left sid eof my face.

"Where am I ?" I whisper to myself as I start to sit up in worry.

 Suddenly the memories from last night flood back into my head as I gasp tears springing to my eyes. I press a hand to my cheek then feel a slim bump from my ear to the corner of my lips. I stand up a little to quickly and my head Starts to spin, black spots in my vision. I regain my balance and I leave the bedroom almost going into a closet while trying to get out. I look for a mirror worried that the dream I had was real.

"You woke up." I hear a voice from behind me but when I turn around I don't see anyone there.

"Who's there?" I ask scared my voice coming out hoarse worried that its him again.

"My name is Harry, sorry if I startled you.." Then I remember the voice, it's the same voice that belongs to the man who saved me.

"Where are you?" I say in a whisper.

"I am right here Amelia." I turn back around and who I see shocks me.

I gasp slightly at the mans eyes a perfect green like a forest with flecks of a golden colour, his skin all to pale like porcelain, not a flaw on his face, deep brown curls framing his face, and his lips seem as soft as heaven to my minds eye. I notice the fact that he is wearing a long sleeved black V-Neck shirt and a pair or dark coloured skinny jeans.

"Your not sore are you?" He asks his voice bringing me out of my trance.

"Not too much only my cheek it hurts." I murmur.

"Come with me there is something you might want to see love." He grabs my hand and I flinch slightly a look of pain crosses his eyes.

He walks me down the hall a bit and then into a bathroom and infront of a mirror. Tears once again spring to my eyes when I see a fleshy pink scar running from the left corner of my lips up to my left ear.

"H-how? It was only in my dream he didn't." I run a finger along my new scar tears falling down my cheek.

"He was in your dream yes, I know love. You need to becareful this isn't just a game." I look at Harry completely lost.

"Amelia listen to me, you are in danger, the games are all to real, the worse part is that you have been pulled into these games, they don't end till one side dies, I don't know who is going to win, but I promise you I will try my best to keep you alive."

"Why would you be the one to keep me alive? Why would you even risk your life? W-why...should I believe you?" I murmur up to him his height starting to bug me.

"Because I am your protector in these game, I promised that I would help keep you safe, that is what I will do until my dying breath."

I look at him with wide eyes almost not wanting to believe a word he says. Then something dawns on me. There is no way he could possibly know my name.

"H-how do you know my n-name?" I say backing away quickly.

"Like I said I am your protector I know everything about you. I made a promise that I cannot break and I never intend to break it Amelia."

((A/N: Nyahahaaha I have left cliff hanger be Glad my pretty be glad!!!<3))

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2013 ⏰

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