Even Thieves Cry

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Thief King's POV
The rain was battering the windows. I couldn't care less about the words being yelled at me, I just looked at the ever grey sky, dripping its tears down onto the people below, people under umbrellas or other covering their heads with their coats or hands. I wanted to cry, so badly that my throat was hurting and I was biting my cheeks to stop myself from crying, to distract myself from the trouble I was in, or getting into.

"Mr Bakura! Are you even listening? Do you even understand that you have broken rules countless times? You steal, use profanities with teachers, skip school. You are uncontrollable." At this point he managed to grip the fact that I was giving him a look which tricked him to think that I wasn't listening. " DO YOU EVEN CARE, MR BAKURA?" The headteacher screamed at me, his moustache practically bristling with anger and annoyance.

I half closed my eyes. I was sick of this, sick of being the bad boy, being bothered all the time about my behaviour. I couldn't careless about highschool. Unfortunately my parents couldn't care more..
Rolling my eyes, I sighed with heavy sarcastic tone.

"No, I don't give a single damn." I stood up, showing that I had my own authority here and that he couldn't tell me what to do.

"Young man, you should think again about this. You are on the last strand before being expelled permanently. Think how disappointed your parents would be. I'm being kind here, giving yet another chance."

Shrugging, I looked at him with my hard violaceous eyes. My parents are already disappointed with me, why should I care if I disappoint them more? Even with my anger covering me, I was still upset. I could have been successful or in the very least I could have tried more. I didn't want to leave this school. I wasn't emotionally attached but this school had something that I wanted, needed, strained for....

This school had Ryou...
My dearest Ryou...

I was shaking on the inside. As always, my anger was bubbling over my sadness. I was going to make a brash action and, as if I was another person, I would just watch myself kill everything I had for my future.

I grabbed the door handle and swung the office door, with its peeling white paint, grubby window and old sign saying 'Head's Office', wide open and stormed out, marching off down the hallway.

"Mr Bakura, what do you think you're doing? Where do you think you are going?" The head teacher buzzed all around me, asking me, like a speaking, middle aged, balding mosquito. I could tell he was scared of what I was expected to do. But he had no idea what I was going to do.

The large windows gave me a faded reflection of myself, with my non-uniform red t-shirt under my unbuttoned jacket. My tanned face looked back at me. My expression wasn't angry, wasn't sad. It was forlorn. I had that I'm-a-lost-kid-I-can't-find-my-parents look which was way too familiar to me. I was starting to regret letting my anger get a hold of me, letting myself get this pumped that all my actions would have no thought.

I reached the door of Ryou's classroom. He's a year younger than me so he is in a different year group to me. I pause for one minute. Maybe I shouldn't mess things up for him just because I'm mad. After all we will fight. Although we never really fight, I just yell at him while he cries. Ryou doesn't fight back, he gives up and cries. He needs protecting, not yelling. Being an awful boyfriend could be the next thing on the endless list of failures in my life.

Ripping the door open, I shock Miss Simpson, the only teacher who had sympathy for me. She has The Merchant of Venice spread open in her hands. In mid flow of reading it out to the class while they made notes, probably about one of the characters. The whole class stares at me with surprise. At the back, Joey and Kaiba are holding hands under the desk, Kaiba is rubbing Joey's slender fingers. Seeing their flawless relationship in my face makes me even more lost about all the things I'm doing and have done wrong.

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