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The bitter cold wind made the leaves rush around as if chased by some unknown entity, as Viveca walked down the moist dirt road of her grandmothers driveway on a gloomy autumn day. Her hair blew into her face as she contemplated her reason for visiting. After her husband died thirty years ago, her grandmother had been living alone in this old Victorian house. Preferring to live alone, she refused to be taken care of by any member of the families. The family accepted her decision with little fuss as long as they were allowed regular visits and she called at least twice a week. Two weeks had passed since any word had been received from Grandmother and the family was beginning to panic. Being her grandmother's favorite, Viveca, had elected to make the six and a half hour drive from their comfortable modern flat in Temecula to the Santa Cruz Mountains to make sure her grandmother was okay. 

She approached the old wooden door and grasped the rusty door-knocker. She knocked and waited but received no answer. After two more attempts to solicit a reaction, she let herself into the house. Her nose was hit with the aroma of old perfume and musty furniture. Looking around, she noticed a vase filled with dead roses on a dark oak dresser in the entryway. Long, thin beams of light filtered through a semi-circular window located above the heavy wooden door. They cast sinister shadows throughout the room, blocking the view of anyone wishing to peer into those dark corners. The over all effect was chilling.

"Grandmother?" She called out but received no answer. "Grandma Delora!? It's me, Viveca. Where are you." 

Still failing to gain any reassurance of her grandmothers well-being, she made her way further into the house. Coming to the winding mahogany staircase in the foyer, she began to work her way up. The house was silent. Not even the brewing storm outside could be heard to relieve the growing tension. The walls were lined with cherry wood and separated by panels of crimson wallpaper. The French ceiling was gilded in some places with intricate vine work, some of which was beginning to peel off. A glorious crystal chandelier hung in the center of the room, holding stubs of candles left over from time long past. The small lanterns placed at intervals, cast on eerie glow on the house, making it look like a place outside of time, as if the shadows themselves were alive and dancing to their own unholy tune. Everything inside looked like it belonged in a Jane Austen novel right up to the paintings of their old, deceased relatives.

As Viveca walked, stairs creaking, she felt a chill waft through the air and pulled her sweater closer around her shoulders. She didn't remember the ancient house being this cold, but then her grandmother had never been one for updating any appliances, let alone replacing her fireplace with a heating system. The farther up she climbed the colder the temperature began to feel until Viveca's breath emerged from her mouth in a cloud of frost. From the hallway, she made her way to the library, floorboards whining beneath her, to see if her grandmother had fallen asleep reading. The library was one of the largest rooms in the house, filled with hundreds of books from every genre. It was her grandmother's favorite place. 

Viveca came to the library door and stopped. As she reached for the cold metal handle she felt a trail of goosebumps travel up her arms. Trying to ignore the sensation, she opened the door. Her grandmother was seated on the far end of the room on an old velvet plush chair the color of red wine. Shelves upon shelves of dusty books surrounded her. Motionless, with her chin resting on her chest, she looked as thought were in a deep slumber. 

"Grandma?" Viveca began to approach the old woman. 
Looking around, she the unlit fireplace in front of her grandmother's chair. Seeing as her grandmother hated the cold, she found this very odd. Touching the old woman shoulder, Viveca gave her a small shake, nothing too alarming, and received no response. She touched her grandmothers face. The feeling of icy flesh sent Viveca into a panic and she shook harder. 
"Grandma!" This couldn't be happening, Any minute now Grandma Delora would wake up to be- 

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