Short Story

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Lily and Sofia Penrose have been living at the Perth Institute all their lives with their family who run it. They were Nephilim or Shadowhunters as more commonly known, half human half angel made to protect us from the never-ending darkness invading our earth. Lily and Sofia were like sisters to each other and had been training together since they were small. As they are inseparable you would think they are in fact twins but they are cousins. Now 16 they want to travel to New York to the Institute.

"Please make sure you complete your essay on The Praetor Lupus before Mondays lessons, See you next week!" said Miss Bloodshade.

Their last class finally ended before the weekend and they were free from training and lessons until Monday. This was a never-ending cycle for Lily and Sofia as they never got the holidays or breaks most mundane children got. Shadowhunters don't celebrate the festivities of Christmas or Easter and don't go to school so they don't have holidays.

"Hey Sof I think we need more chocolate, Livy and Ty ate the whole block while we were in class" Lily sighed

"But we only ate 1 row of the block before" Sofia exclaimed always getting mad when someone took her chocolate everyone knew that, but Olivia and Tyler were too young to care if she did or not only being 5 and 6.

"Have you forgotten our family eats chocolate as if they were drinking water Sof" It was true that the family were chocoholics but Sofia still didn't believe a 5 and a 6 year old could eat a whole block.

"Lil looks like it's a trip to IGA again, maybe we should buy two blocks and hide one in your room where Ty wont go looking" Sofia suggested cheekily as she does when she had a secret plan.

Sofia's sister Olivia and Lily's brother Tyler were waiting at the elevator door when they got back with Gizmo the institutes cat. Sofia picked up Livy on her way to the kitchen with Ty running behind knowing where they had just been.

"Gizmo where's mum and dad" Lily asked the cat and followed him as he leaded the way to the Library. Once Gizmo stopped at the library door Lily stroked him they knocked on the door waiting for some to permit her to enter. As a stressed voice allowed her to enter she walked into the room to find her Mother, Father, Aunty, Uncle and Miss Bloodshade conversing over the center table. Some looked worried others stressed but one thing was certain, something was going on and it wasn't good.

"Lily dear what is it?" Her mother asked calmly

"I wanted to know if me and Sof had to scout tonight for unusual activity but I can see it's not the right time" not wanting her mother to think her rude for entering,

"We have just been called by the Bellerail's that there has been a cluster of demons spotted at Synergy Playground and backup is needed but you and Sofia cant go, do you understand?"

"But mum you need us, you know you do we are a great team and asset why not?"

"Your mother has spoken our thoughts Lily you can't it's to dangerous for the limited experience you've both had and we need you to look after Tyler and Olivia" Her father spoke out with authority. Lily thought not for the first time that this is what she needed to do to gain the experience they wont let her have.

"I'll get Gizmo to take me to Sofia then to tell her you will find us, Ty and Livy in the greenhouse with Gizmo" Lily stormed out to find Gizmo waiting for her, after asking him to take her to Sofia she walked solemnly behind.

"Sof I have some bad news" Lily said while helping her make dinner for the four of them.

"Lily what is it" Sofia replied

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