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  • Dedicated to my Fans

A/N: Just a short story I wanted to type up. It's been in my notebook for months and I wasn't sure I wanted to type it up, but here you go. Hope you enjoy reading it.

I have a name, I just don't know it. It could be someting simple, like Joan, Sarah, Emily, Ann, Kathy, Beth. Or I could be named after a flower; Lilly, Rose, Violet, Poppy, Heather, and Susan. Maybe it's an exotic name like; Rayna, Shawanda, Tamani, Nikoletta, Kaelyne, or Fortina. Whatever my name is, it would be much better than Jane Doe, that's what the people who found me are calling me anyway. They may as well name me Nameless, because isn't 'Jane Doe' the name of every other girl out there with an unknown identity? How could nameing me 'Jane Doe' seperate me from the other 'Jane Does' out there?

I guess I better start at the beginning, or at least as far as I can remember, which is when I woke up, alone, by the side of a two lane road.

I woke up with a mahor headach. Taking in my surroundings, I had no idea where I was. A road streatched and curved on for, I could only guess, miles. Trees bordered the road and filled up all the space. I was confused as to how I'd gotten here. There was no car, no tracks in the dirt, nothing. Slowly getting up, I started to panic, looking around me, circling. Where was I? How did I get here? How far from home was I? Where was everybody? Who am I? My last thought scared me more than the others. If I didn't know who I was, then how was I supposed to figure out any of my other questions?

I knew that if I could only find people, I should be able to figure out where I am. So, doing inny-minni-minnie-mo, I choose to go down the road at my left. With no other choice of transportation, I walked, even though I felt a little sore and dizzy doing so.

I must have walked for hours before it started to get dark, not wanting to stop and rest, because who knows what kind of hungary animals are out here, I continued to move forward. The sun was completely down when lights flooded the road behind me, swallowing me into there gentle glow. I heard the sound of a car horn beeping. Looking back over my shoulder, I saw a car a few feet away from me, slowing to a stop bedide me.

"Oh, my!" a friendly female voice exclaimed. "Are you all right, dear?"

I swallowe. No I'm not all right. I don't know where I am, or how to get home. Or who I am, even. I looked at the middle-aged woman in the passenger seat of the car, with no other option I asked, "Do you know where I am?"

The lady's eyes widened. "You don't know where you are, dear?" she asked, shock contaminating her voice.

I could only shake my head no.

"Where are you from?" A man from the driver's seat asked me. He looked to be about the same age as the woman, possibly a little older.

I ran a hand over my long blonde hair, that was crusted with dirt and something a little sticky. Gathering some of the hair into my hands, I fidled with it. "I-I'm not sure. I-I don't know." I could feel my tears brimming at the edge of my eyes, ready to spill over.

The woman's friendly face became concerned and sad. Turning to the man beside her, they started whispering to each other. A few seconds later she turned back to me with a smile on her lips. Stepping out, causing me to step back a little, she walked to the back door and opened it. "C'mon, dear, we're gonna give you a ride to the nearest police station. Officer Millar will know what to do."

Smiling my thanks I got in. I know you're not supposed to take rides from strangers, no matter how friendly they may seem, but really, what other choice did I have?

The lady softly shut the door and got back into her seat. "Buckle up, dear."

I did as she asked and put my hands in my lap. I looked at the window, even though I couldn't really see much due to the darkness outside. The lady turned in her seat, giving me a friendly, but sad, smile. I returned it.

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