Chapter 1

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*Vergil Vannie is my OC, I couldn't help but make a fanfic for him. He's cute...well in this fanfic

You staired (E/C) eyes wide, this thing, this alien who smiled back at you. Your friend wanted you to meet someone, but you didn't think this someone would be a troll. The mutant blood waved at you, you glanced to your friend, who was making hand motions for you to talk to him. You glared at (Friend's Name), you were going to get her later. Looking back to the troll, you were debating on what to say, but he beat you to it.

"Kon'ichiwa _______! Nice to finarry meet you, (Friend's Name) tord me about you." This long haired guy was beginning to creep you out, but then he winced in pain while holding his head. But he had straighten his back and smiled like nothing happened,

"Uh-huh. You too-What's your name?"

"Vergir!~" You inwardly twitched at this, you can't stand it when people speaks in a accent that you can barely understand them.

"Yeah... Okay." Your eyes widen as you gasp in shock, you were suddenly engulf into a hug. The land dweller giggled, you roughly pushed him away. He frowned when you did this, he caught the slightly angered look on your face.

"Oh, I'm sorry ________-San. I shourd've asked, I didn't mean to offend you in anyway." He quickly smiled again, you sighed to yourself.

"I guess it's alright. Just don't do that again, got it!" You slightly growled as you crossed your arms,

"I'm going to have to go, see ya later, kid." Unraveling your arms, you reached out and layed your hand ontop of his head if black hair. Ruffling his long spiky hair, you than grabbed your friend's arm. Pulling her along side you as you left,

"Bye ______-San! Bye (Friend's Name)-Chan! I hope you come back rater!" The male troll called out as you and (Friend's Name) left, she was waving back with a large smile on her lipstick covered lips. You rolled your eyes, now you were going to deal with a very happy troll for a while. That just sounds great. No, it was annoying, you hated overly cheerful people... And alien or whatever.

OC!Vergil Vannie X (M/F) Human ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon