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Hey guys! I know this isn't the type of stories i normally do but i hope you enjoy it. :)



"Get out of my fuckin house!" My father yells at me.

I start crying and so does my mother. I'm only eight so how does my father expect me to live on my own?




I get a new cardboard box from the local garbage bin. This one is bigger than the one i had last time. I live in New York. It's really busy here but i don't pay attention to most things. Not my surroundings that often. I go get my supper out of the garbage as well. Half eaten chicken leg. Why do people only eat the crust off of the chicken? I can't know because i eat everything. At least try. I'm really poor. My father kicked me out of the house when i was eight. My mother just stood, cried, and watched. I miss her deeply. My father? No. Never again.

It's night now and i can't sleep. I keep hearing strange noices up above me. Mice? I doubt it. It's too loud for mice. Then, there it is. Right in front of me. I hurl myself behind the garbage bin and slow my breathing. Maybe if i'm quiet then it will go away. Nope. I hear brething infront of my face and i smell smoke. Smokes cost about $10.00 here in N.Y. how can this person afford it? I can't. Then again i am poor, and on the streets.

"Do you wish to live forever?" The voice asks me.

'Do you wish to live forever?' I keep replaying the question in my head. My small, small head. Do i? How is it even possible? What will happen if i do? Is this some prank? I just let the words slip out of my mouth and i wish they hadn't.

"Yes." I slur.

"Then, come with me."

I stand up and move away from the grabage bin. I miss my hiding place already. I'm afraid of might happen. What will happen? A tear runs down my cheek. My dirty, dirty cheek.

"Do you want food?" It asks me.


"Do you want to bathe?"


"Do you want a home and a real family?"

That was what i wanted the most. How could i not say no to that?!

"Yes, please."

I can tell that the person is smiling by now. It's happy because i begged and said yes to everything. Now they know how to seduce me. Now they know me.

"Then please follow me."

I walk behind it to someplace familiar. A store. An abandoned warehouse to be exact.

"We have a new member."

I walk in with the person. It's not bright. It looks brighter in here than outside though. Now i can see faces. And i don't like those faces. These are the faces you only see in fairytales. How are they real?

"Welcome." They all say to me in unison.

I gulp. Will i stay alive? Or will this be my last day i will have survived?

"Thank you." I say.

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