
17 3 0

Darkness surrounds me,

It drowns me,

It doesn't let a breath of air come passed it's withered grip,

It's high cackle screams in my mind!

Aaaaauie! Aaaaauie!

I dare not plug my ears,

Though the sound is deafening,

Aaaaauie! Aaaaauie!

Then all is quiet,

All of a sudden,


Am alone,


In the darkness,

Fear descends upon me,

Thoughts run through my head,

They run like scared rabbits away from a predator,

In the darkness,

All alone I stand,

No beacon of light to show me the way,

No guide to let me know I'm going the right way,

All alone I stand,

In the darkness,

All alone I stand.

The End!

(Even though it kind of ruins the mood.)

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