Um what

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Regina pov - I can't believe it I'm pregnant what the I'm 21 what am I gonna do what is Shelby gonna say when he gets home from practice omg
5pm Regina sleeping
S: hey babe I'm home
R: hey we need to talk
S: are you ok
R: no well yes but no
S: babe calm down what's wrong
R: Shelby I'm pregnant
S/ what
R: yea
S/ that's crazy
R- what are you gonna leave me
S/ no why would I do that
R/ don't you think we're a little young
S. Yea but we can get through this together
R: remember we're in this through better and through worse
S/ I love you
R/ love you more
Reba and narvel
R pov- why hasn't he come home it's 9pm does he have another person ? This is insane
N: hey Reba I'm home
R: where were you
N/ out chill
R/ I will not chill
N/ you act as if I'm doing something
R/ maybe you are
N/ I'm not I'm trying to save your career
R/ my career doesn't need saving
N/ bull shit
R/ narvel I'm done this isn't working anymore
N/ because you don't trust me
R/ cause you lie you cheated on me before this
N/ that was one time and you knew that
R/ narvel stop
N/ I'm done ( walks out
R( crying )
Regina and Shelby
R/ I'm so nervous about telling your mom
S/ same but she will be happy she loves babies
R/ I can't wait this is gonna be so exciting
S/ ik I hope it's a guy so he can be into racing
R/ girls can be into racing to
S: yea I guess
R/I want a girl
S/ why
R: so there can be a little me
S: hopefully she looks like you
R/ I want our baby to have your freckles tho
S/ but your smile
R/ awe common lets go to bed we have to get up early tomorrow
2 am doorbell
S/ what the hell
R: who is it
S: my dad
N( drunk ) I need to stay here
S: dad what the
N/ please Shelby
S: fine but sleep on the couch
N/ fine just give me a blanket
S/ here now go to sleep
R/ I wonder what that was about
S: him and my mom prob got into a fight
R/ I hope thy accept the baby
S: they will don't worry

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