In The Beginning

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October 29,1999

It was a dark and stormy night.

Water crashed against the windows of the small car. Dad had scolded us that we had nothing to be afriad of, but I couldn't help it. We were going to Walmart so mom could get the ice cream she was craving. She was 8 months pregnant with my little brother Philip. I had always imaged him looking like my dad.

Tall, sleek, yet mysterious. Or my mom. Short but pretty.

Anything but me.

I was the laughing stock of our family. My sister Rebecca was always informing me of that. I was taller than the average teenage girl and my hair was natrualy white. I had bright gray eyes and long eyelashes. I had to wear braces for 2 years and I was happy beacuse I was getting them off the next day. My nerd frame glasses stood out from my face and no one ever talked to me.

My mother said that one day I would find some friends that finally understood me. I leaned over to look through my window, surveying the miles of open fields.

Rain pelted my window vigorously as my father desperately tried to get a handle on the wheel. With a sudden jerk of his hands, we were sent flying over the railing and down the side of the hill.

I struggled to sit up, pain throbbing from my legs giving me limited mobility. I looked up at my parents, who laid unconscious.

I scrambled to find my phone, my nimble fingers reaching around the fragments of the broken car to find my cell phone.

"911, What's your emergency?"

I was at a loss for words, barely being able to explain the situation I was in right now.

My dad looked me in the eyes, cupping my hands in one of his large ones.

"Look, Bear, I know I haven't been the best father. But-" he winced, letting out a constrained sigh,"T-Take little Philip back. B-Back to Odin."

I looked at me one last time, before his eyes got heavy and he looked down.

I cried and pounded on his chest as if it was going to revive him, tears soaking my cheeks and the rising in his chest slowly decreased.

By the time the paramedics got there, it was too late

Philip was born dead, but thankfully the doctors were able to revive him. They tried to place me to got into a Forster home, but I told them I had a friends who was in charge of us, and escaped out the doors later that night.

After Philp was born, I went up to the scary castle in which stood in the middel of town. I was familiar with it by now, so I just waltzed right in through the gates.

2 guards stood at the door. They looked me over with a abundance of sympathy, and I looked elsewhere, away from their praying eyes.

"Please come in Ms. Bayes" they said in unison, stepping aside and letting me in.

"Sir, we got a code purple."

The hallway was longer than I had remembered, or maybe it was because I was dreading this walk. Because once I walked thought those doors, their was no turning back.

It was accepting the fact that I'd never see my parents again. I'd never hold my others hand or have my hair brushed by her as she told me stories from her childhood as my dad would cook dinner for all of us. I'd never hear his deep hearty laugh or my moms kind soft giggle again.

"Ah yes, John's daughter."

I hadn't realized that I had made it the end of the hallway, Philip squirming and babbling in my arms.

"Shh" I cooed into his ears, having an almost instant affect on him.

"This will be your new home" Odin mumbled, waving one of his servants over. They began a conversation which consisted of the servant finding me a spare bedroom that "was what John would have expected"

"What about Philip?"I asked, holding Philip in my arm as he squirmed and whined in my arms.

"He can come to, where else would he go?"

I nodded and followed the servant down through a passage way, to the bedrooms. He nodded and opened the door, exposing a plain bedroom, with a cradle in the far corner. How quickly had they got that in here?

"You can decorate it." the servant mumbled, before turning On his heel and waltzing back down the toward Odin.

"Thanks..." I mumbled, settling into my new home.

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