I / I

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Your day started off as it usually would; you rolled out of bed with the customary groan, showered, tugged on your usual outfit, and did something with your mess of hair. A little eyeliner and you were good to go, although you weren't quite sure where you were going. It was probably the shops, or a friend's house, you think to yourself, but before you are aware of what's happening, you tumble through a black doorway, much as Alice did when she fell down the rabbit hole. But you don't arrive in Wonderland, no, much the opposite; you're in Hell. Not that you know that, of course, until the first demon shows up. Actually, it's a while after that before you realise something is off with this place. Anyway, back to the demon. He - at least, you think it's a he - is tall and rather nondescript; the hood of his jacket is up, and as such is obscuring his face. He offers you his hand, helps you up, and you thank him profusely, before jogging away, trying to get your bearings. The place just looks like a normal town. And, since it's a normal town and you're your usual clumsy self, you trip over the curb.

You're just dragging yourself to your feet, knees scraped, when a group of shadows loom over you. They're large, and strange in shape, and they're an inky black colour you didn't think was possible for the time of day. And then, one of the shadows - or rather, the thing casting it - speaks. "Hey, girlie. The Boss wants to see you."

You let out a quiet squeak of surprise, and attempt to dust off your [f/c skirt/jeans/shorts], but before you have the chance you are manhandled rather roughly and thrown over the broad shoulders of one of the demons. The bone of his shoulder connects with your stomach and you let out an audible hiss of pain, much to the amusement for the demons around you. You put up a small struggle, but it's evident that your resistance is futile, so you give up, your limbs hanging limp and your [h/l, h/c] hair falling in your eyes. Your legs sway slightly as the demon carries you, and after a while he sets you down. "Wait here." The staircase of an apartment building is in front of you, and the demon jogs up it.

A short while later - a few minutes at the most - and the demon returns, beckoning for you to follow him; fortunately, this time he doesn't pick you up. You walk up the stairs behind him, since the staircase is far too narrow for you to walk side-by-side, not that you would have wanted to. When you reach the top of the staircase, the demon stops you and gestures to a nearby door. "The Boss is in there." He says, before placing both of his large hands on your shoulder blades and pushing you over towards the door, [shoe]-clad feet dragging along the floor. He momentarily removes one hand in order to knock on - and then fling open - the door, and then before you have the chance to protest you are bundled into the room, falling flat on your face as the door slams behind you. "Great, thanks for that," you grumble, arms bent at the elbow and palms flat against the carpeted ground as you attempted to get back up again; your body was currently in press-up position, but you were slowly yet surely rising to your feet.

Once the soles of your shoes were firmly back on the ground, you doubled over to brush away the dirt and dust that had collected on you during your fall. It was around this time that you became aware of the faint sound of heavy breathing, reverberating off of the walls and echoing along the hall; it seemed to be emanating from a room at the far end of the short corridor, one that had its door partially cracked open. A mellifluous but slightly croaky voice whispered to itself, the sound floating down the hallway towards your ears. "Oh, no, she's cute!"

You make your way over to the end of the hall in short, cautious strides, before tentatively placing your hand against the brushed wood of the door and giving a gentle push against it. It swings open by a small margin, but that was obviously enough of an amount to merit with a slightly startled gasp from "The Boss". He was still obscured from where you were standing, however, but you had a feeling that, somehow, he was able to see you. You clear your throat, electing to do the sensible thing and introduce yourself. "I-I'm-" Oh, for crying out loud; why were you stuttering? You're not some anime heroine, all doe-eyed and pouty-lipped. Trying again, you spoke louder, and without the stutter. "I'm [y/n]. I was told that I have to speak with the Boss. Is that you?" Ah, much better; a clear introduction; leaving a window of opportunity for him to introduce himself...it's almost like you're a functioning member of society. You mentally congratulate yourself for managing to cope - in fact, you're so busy praising yourself that you don't even realise you're being spoken to. "-az."

"Excuse me, could you repeat that?" you furrow you brows slightly, leaning against the door frame in an attempt to dislodge the feeling that he is somehow staring directly at you. This time, however, when a reply is proffered, you actually pay attention. "Ahem, I said yes. I am the Boss; my name is Staz."
You "hm" in response, taking a step forward and audaciously peeking around the corner of the door.

And there he stands, on the other side of the door; his skin pallid, his hair messy and dark, and his neck, for some reason, adorned with a feather boa - no doubt to complement the ugly and brightly coloured silk bomber jacket he is wearing.
"Why are you dressed like that?" you ask with a furrow of your brows, casting your [e/c] eyes over him with a mixture of confusion and slight distain for his outfit.
"I was told that your accent sounds [nationality], so I was looking up fashion styles from [home country] so I'd seem more normal," he admits, and you note that he is refusing to meet your gaze. His hands seem to be shaking slightly.
As soon as the thought crosses your mind, his red eyes focus on your [e/c] ones for a moment, before he looks away once again and asks "How did you get here?"
You furrow you brows, rubbing your upper arm with the palm of your other hand. "I'm not sure..." you admit; a thick silence falls in the room, and you nervously glance around the room, gaze falling upon a small figurine of [favourite character].
"You like [fandom]?" You ask, tilting your head to the side and taking a step further into the room.
Too busy looking around the treasure-trove of all things nerdy, you don't notice the boy behind you begin to sweat slightly, hands down by his sides, balled into shaking fists.
You were.
Admittedly, Staz had never met a human first-hand before; at least, not a live one, and certainly not one this awesome. He let out a breath, shaky and audibly loud, although you were far too distracted leafing through a volume of [favourite manga/comic book] you had found on the shelf; c'mon, it had the limited edition cover - how on earth could you resist picking it up?!
"So, where am I?" You asked, without really glancing up from the book in your hands. "I asked one of the guys earlier, and he said something about Hell...but that was a joke, right?"
Staz had not moved an inch since you barged past him and began fawning over his merchandise from the human world. He swallowed, trying to get rid of the lump in his throat. "No. It wasn't a joke. Put that down."
You frowned, putting the book back onto the shelf. "Jeez, don't get your panties in a twist. Didn't your mother teach you any manners?" You scowled at Staz, and he stared back at you.
"I just told you that you're in Hell, and you're worrying about my lack of manners?! How did you get here, anyway?" Evidently, Staz was managing to overcome how cute he found you, and focus on business instead. It helped that you had decided to sass him up, of course; it made him less worried about offending you. Since he didn't get an answer out of you earlier, it seemed like a good idea to return to his earlier question.
You shrugged, swinging your foot at one of the garments on the floor and kicking it against the far wall. "I don't know. There was this doorway, or something, I guess I fell through it and ended up here."
"Stop kicking my things."
"It's just a shirt, Staz. In fact, it looks like it's out of style, anyway." You smirked at him for a second, before returning to a neutral expression and continuing. "Do you own it ironically? Are you a hipster?"
"No." He quickly jumped topics again. "Doorway, huh? Was it, I don't know, a curtain or something?" he attempted to play it cool, like he wasn't already aware that this was totally Beru's fault.
"Yeah! Something like that, anyway. Will you help me find it?" Your eyes became downcast for a moment, and you felt slightly upset at how much you were missing [family member] already. "I-I need to get home..."
"No-! Stay!" Staz blurted out, then quickly avoided your gaze when you look up. You imagine that, if he had the capacity to do so, he would be blushing; as such, his cheeks were already turning a darker grey. He let out a wheezy, embarrassed whine of a laugh. "I mean, would you? Just...just for a while longer? I mean, you seem cool, and you're pretty, and you like the same stuff as I do, and-" While he spoke, you had closed the distance between the two of you and pressed a kiss to his cheek; it effectively shut Staz up, cutting off his rambling. He looked like he was about to faint.
"Um, yeah. I will stay- Just for a while, though, and then I have to find a way to get home, alright?"
Staz nodded in response, having seemingly returned to his senses.
You hitched a thumb over your shoulder, pointing it towards the low shelf where his video games were stacked. "So, like, I saw you have Mario Kart..."


[BLOOD LAD] Staz x Reader (Reader insert oneshot)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें