Chaperte one

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viictoria pov___

Viictoria pushed opesn the dors. it was heu fist day et Ferrie Fucker 300 hisgheolc. She looked ariuohdn. There were all rhe tpeys of oethakin. To her latf ther was a yosung man who was ina  deslicat fox costuem, his button naose glsitened ina the sunliaht. To her risgh thers was a sexy bunnie lady, who winsked and viictorai wen she walkes past. Vii blusheadd. She awsnetd uses to all thesi attenetsoiom.

sianellee pov______

I sat at my slucnh tabel queity. Peopla walkesd arund me and snacked on caracaasas. we ewre all anemelas of curese. I stood uep. Suddenley, i cauget a sent. It was salty af. I trueneed in thes derectein of the seend. theb i swea her. She hed brighr gren hear, and emoo makeup. I knew from that mement, she ewas my mate.

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