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Pickle:*whisper* Kay, guys and girls. I'm Pickle and I am outside Titan's Tower. Now time for phase 2.*enters Tower*

StarFire: Hello!!! Are you the new friend!!??

Pickle: Yes. And if anyone asks, I'm a friend you met at the chocolate store.

StarFire: The O and the K!!!

Robin: Hey Star. Who's this and Why's she green?

Pickle: So you never asked Why BeastBoy's green, but you ask me Why I am?

Robin: Touche!

BeastBoy: Robin, Who's the chick?

StarFire: She is the friend I met at the store of chocolate.

Raven: You like chocolate?

StarFire: Oh, the yes!! It is one of the most delicious Earth foods!!

Pickle: You said it!! By the way, I'm Pickle!!

Cyborg: You got a weird name.

Pickle: Hey!! You try being a princess that was Sent off of her planet because she was Pickle, not cucumber!!

BeastBoy: Wow. So you're here, because?

Pickle: Star did not really meat me at the chocolate store. I came in and we're besties, now. I'm a truth or dare Fangirl, so you have the right to remain awesome!!

Raven: Is that some kind of catchphrase?

Pickle: Nope!!

Robin: So you were gonna ask us to play truth or dare?

Pickle:*chuckles* Oh, you don't have a choice!!*throws gas bomb at them*

Robin:*cough* Get to the bunkers!*passes out*

Pickle: Phase 3 is now in session!! *calls East on Raven's communicater* East!! I have the Titans!! Come to the tower if you ever want to see them again!!

Bee: Seriously? You got another thing coming!!

Speedy: Yeah!!

AquaLad: You are going down!!

Mas y Menos: Si!! (Whatever 'you are totally going down' is in Spanish)

KidFlash: You are going to jail, missy!!

Pickle: Just go fuck with Jinx, already!!

KidFlash: Excuse me?!

Pickle: Aw great!! I also have her here!!*bites lip* If you want the Titans and Jinx back, come and get 'em!!

Bee: Come on, East!!

Pickle:*hangs up communicater* Well, just gotta get Jinx here. It's a good thing I know people.*hacks into Titan's main frame and calls $&4%☆¢♪* Hello. I need you to get Jinx for me.

$&4%☆¢♪:Kay. Need anything else?

Pickle: A chocolate fountain, 12 jars of pickles, 5 liters of Mtn.Dew, and a crate of hot Cheetos.

$&4%☆¢♪: You are very weird. Kay, I'll get it all for you on one condition: let me be co-host.

Pickle: Fine.

$4%&☆¢♪: Yaaaaaassss!!!!!

Pickle: Please hurry!!! Bye!!*ends call*

Raven: Why did you knock us out?

Pickle: To get East and Jinx here. Don't ask. I'm also getting a chocolate fountain, 12 jars of pickles, 5 liters of Mtn.Dew, and a crate if hot Cheetos!!!

Raven: Weird snack.

Pickle: I'm a weird girl!!

Raven: I guessed

Robin: Titans!! Go!!!

Pickle: Robin!! Shut up!! If you do, I'll make RobStar happen!!

Robin: Hoooooww??

Pickle: I have many ways of doing stuff.....

$&4%☆¢♪: I got Jinx and all of your food items!!

Robin: You let another Fangirl in here!!??

Pickle: Please welcome my bestie when I was in fourth grade... Marshmallow!!!!

Marshmallow: Hello people!! You have no idea How hard knocking out and dragging a villan, is!!*rubs butt that has a cartoony black burn mark*

Pickle: Lolz. So now we just gotta Wait for East to come and all of my Teen Titans ships will be here!! I already got two!! Just need KidFlash and Bee here then on to phase 4!!

Robin: You planned this all out?

Pickle: Yup!!

Jinx: Gah!!! Why am I in the Titans Tower!!!???

Marshmallow: I knocked you out and dragged you here!! By the way, lose a couple of pounds!!

Jinx: Heeeyy!!

KidFlash: Jinxie!!!*hugs Jinx*

Jinx: Hey.*hugs KF back*

Pickle: Flinx!!!!

Robin: Oh brother!!

Bee: Why aren't you guys tied up?

Marshmallow: It was a trick so you guys would come. You're now playing truth or dare!!

Raven: No.

Pickle: You don't have a choice!!!*puts tower on lock down* No one gets in or out!!

Raven:*tries to make portal* My portals don't work!!!

Pickle: I have many ways of doing stuff!!!

BeastBoy: She scares me!!

Pickle: Good!!

Marshmallow: Can I read the list of ships and non-ships!!!???

Pickle: Sure!!!

Marshmallow: Yay!!! So the ships are; BBRae, Flinx, RobStar, and CyBee!!! Non-ships include: BBTerra, CyJinx, RobRae, BBStar, AquaRave, aaaannndddd... Spaqua!!!

Speedy: What ship is Spaqua?

Pickle: You and A-Lad!!

All but Pickle: Eeeeeewwwww!!!

Pickle: Exactly!!*dips Hot Cheeto in chocolate fountain* Mmmmmmm!!! Hot Cheetos and Chocolate!!*eats*

BeastBoy: Is it good?

Pickle: You bet your tofu it is!!*hands him hot cheeto covered in chocolate*

BeastBoy:*eats it* Pleh!! Gross!!!*spits out*

Pickle: Oh yeeeaaahhh!!! The red stuff is beatle juice!! Oh, the references!!

Marshmallow: Comment truths and dared for the Titans, East, and Jinx!!

Pickle: Bitch!! You took my line!! Whatever. Bye ma new and old Chicas!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2015 ⏰

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