Chapter One

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I love h8 comments telling me I write horribly so please fill h8 comments thanks guys! \)^-^)/

I walk into mah new school in my usual attire which included jeans and a hoodie, and as I look around there are fuck boys and girls wearing mini skirts so short you'd mistake them for a cheap hooker. As I walk to my class I bump into someone dropping by popers and books all over thé floor.

"Oh my god I'm so sorry!" A worried male voice said as he franticly reached to pick up my stuff.

"It's fine I wasn't looking were I was goi-" I said shutting my mouth when i saw how bootiful he was.

"I'm Ben, I haven't seem you around are you new?" Ben asked as he finished collecting my papers and books from the floor and handed them to me.

"Y-yeah, I'm Ava." I managed to choke out still distracted on his pretty face. I could feel the blood rushing to my cheeks which was rlly embarrassing in front of senpai.

"Well see you around Ava." Ben said winking at me making me blush more (XD) and walked off down the hallway.

"Oh me god he was so hot like really really hot!" I thought happily as I stood up still basically paralyzed from the previous encounter with Ben-senpai.

"Oh my god im gonna be late if I don't hurry to math!" I thought wildly before sprinting to room 666. Mr. Davis looked his notes and noticed I where trying to sneak into class.

"You're late Ava, I'm marking u down for a tardy! Now go sit down!" He commanded pointing to the only desk available which was RIGHT BY BEN!!!!!! I sat down completely red with embarrassment trying to make myself not noticeable to Ben. As Mr. Davis taught boring stuff I kept taking quick glances over my shoulder at Ben, who was busy taking notes and paying attention to Mr. Davis unlike I was (XD). I look over to Mr. Davis and try to pay attention but Ben was so sexy and kept distracting me with his sexiness.

"Ava are you listening?" Mr. Davis said raising a eyebrow at me.

"Um yes?" I said I could feel my cheeks blush redder than a beet.

"Are you sure about that?" He asked questioning me more making me feel all depressed and stuff.

"Stop asking, she's obviously uncomfortable bro you can't just invade her like that!" The voice of Ben said making everyone turn their heads towards him.

"You're 100% right Ben, sorry Ava." Mr. Davis said before saying boring stuff again.
I look over at Ben and mouth thank you to him and he gave me a wink! This was literally the best day of my life!!!! Almost finished with class a piece of neatly folded paper was thrown into my desk. out of curiosity I opened it slowly and it read:

Dear Ava, met me by the door after class
<3 -Ben

"OMG!!!" I thought wildly once I finished reading the note. I looked up at the clock and it was one minute til class ended! What does senpai want me for after class?!?

Find out next time! \)^-^)/

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