Fix me (Marinas trench fan fiction)

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Disclaimer: I do not own marinas trench and this Is not what happened when they were in thier teens it is based on thier past.

authors note: this story is a fan fiction written by my bff with some help from me



Roxanna's POV

I ran out of our new house onto the porch. "Gah!! They don't could they though,school is like pure torture to me. I mean how do they expect me to get good grades when I can barely sit still through a lesson. it's remarkable how I've been passing all my classes somehow." I started to pace to calm myself down. Abruptly I stopped when I felt someones eyes on my back. I quickly spun around and met the most amazing pair of eyes I had ever seen. apparently my expression was funny because he started laughing hysterically. He was at least 6 feet tall and had brown hair and blueish green, grey eyes. He had on grey skinnys and a blue t-shirt that said something I couldn't read because a green sweater was zipped up half way and covering most of the words. My eyes widened. I hadn't known anyone was watching. "Hey, looks like I caught you mid rant. I'm Josh by the way." he said. "oh um hi we just moved here, um I mean ya you probably know that. just mad at my parental units so ya gotta go." god I sounded like such a loser. Josh was probably popular. "wait" he said. "I never got your name." "oh" I said. "it's Roxanna but you can just call me Anna I'm gunna be going to university hill." "I go there!" exclaimed Josh."guess I'll see you around then" I said making an attempt at flirting. I walked inside and looked into my reflection in the mirror. I sighed. he probably thought I was some kind of wierdo loser. I was wearing my pjs which consisted of pj pants with rabbits all over them and a blue tank top, which no matter how you looked at them did not match my pj bottoms in any way shape or form. This had never mattered to me. Why was it that as soon as I seen a guy it was like I had some kind of alarm in my brain that went "BEEP BEEP take inventory of looks" I mean it's not like I'm ugly. I have green eyes and dirty blonde hair. if everyone had skin like josh's then my paleish skin wouldn't stand out. I was taken out of critisizi g myself by the sound of my oh-so lovely mother approaching. "Anna" she sighed "we came here for a fresh start and..." she sighed again. "Just try your hardest. ok? I give up" I was taken aback. when your mother says she gives up, is that a good or bad thing? I nodded slowly and ran up the stairs into my room. I had been expelled from my old school for mouthing off to the teachers and failing all my courses both first and last semester. ironically my dad had been offered a job in Vancouver around the same time. So now I had to move all the way to Vancouver from Toronto and leave all my friends and my cat behind. they said they would call and talk though. my friends not the cat my cat had to be left behind because my dad decided he wanted to drive and how did he say it. (insert air quotes here) see the sights. seriously like what the hell dad. he had also insisted that we wake up at like 6:30 every morning. he was like "the early bird catches the worm" seriously dad seriously. so now I'm in Vancouver alone and catless and because of a 3 hour time difference most of my friends won't even be up yet. thanks dad.

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