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(Lily's POV)

I struck the last chord and opened my eyes to find that I wasn't just in my bedroom, imagining that all of this was really happening. The crowd roared as one of my fellow bandmates, Ashley, pulled a funny face at them. I laughed at her and she smiled back, playing a little starting riff to our next song. I came in with my guitar part and soon came in my other bandmate, Delilah, on the drums. I started getting into my part when the bands lead singer, Kate, sang the first line.

I felt a rush of excitement when the crowd started singing the lyrics back at us. I was awestruck, that was the first time anyone in the crowd actually knew our lyrics. I grinned brightly and plucked away at my guitar strings, Ashley joining me and rocked out with a fast paced solo that made the crowd cheer louder than before, leading us into an animated chorus where we all sang together in perfect harmony. It sent shivers down my spine by how in tune it sounded.

We finished our final song of our set and said our good byes to the crowd before leaving the stage and joining our family members. A few people stayed to greet us, but it was mostly just people we knew. All of us had huge grins on our faces. That was the largest gig we'd had. There must've been at least 500 people. Now that doesn't sound like a lot but if you're just starting and barely have a thousand subscribers on youtube, it's definitely a lot to us.

"You guys killed it!" Kate's brother, Daniel said jumping up excitedly. He was only 10 but he understood how important this whole band was to us and constantly encouraged us.

"Thanks Danny." Kate ruffled his hair and he stuck his tongue out at her. I joined Ashley by her family and stood waiting for her.

"Great guitar playing." My mom said. "But we have to go, are you coming with us?"

"No I'll get a ride with Ashley." I smiled and they left.

"Mooooooom, I don't care!" Ashley drew out and her mom rolled her eyes.

"Fine, but when you come running back to me, I'm just gonna say I told you so." She said and Ashley rolled her eyes.

"Whatever, Byee." Ashley shot back and turned to me. "Ready to pick up the emo?"

"Yeah, I think she said she was in the library." I laughed.

That was what we called our friend Lilli. She always denied being emo though but we all knew she was. She was musical also but she was mostly into the art kind of things. She was enrolled in the Cooper Union School of Arts and since we were playing a gig near there, we decided we should spend some time together like we used to in high school.

"I can't believe she ditched us to go to college." Ashley laughed flicking a piece of her dark blue hair out of her face.

"Quick reminder that I'm in college also." I laughed.

"Yeah but you still manage to do the band." I took online courses because if the band didn't make it through I wanted to have something I could fall back onto.

"It's not her fault she wanted something that might last her a lifetime." I smiled.

"Yeah but she still could've done it like you." We were outside now, walking towards Ashley's car. "Why did I ever decide to play bass, this thing is heavy."

"I don't know, but the guitars not that easy to carry either." I groaned and opened the trunk of our van and put my guitar in first, and waited for Ashley to get her bass in. As I was about to get in the front seat of the car, I got a text from a blocked number.

Hey I saw your performance tonight, text this number next time you have a gig, I'd like to talk in person.

I quickly texted back.

Um, I'm sorry. Who is this?

Their reply was quick.

That's not important now, I'll see you there

"Hmm, that's weird." I said quietly, slipping into my seat.

"What's weird?" Ashley peered over my shoulder.

"This blocked number just texted me saying they'd like to see our next gig."

"Ooh, maybe it's some secret admirer!" Ashley teased.

"Yeah, probably not, It seems kinda sketchy." I said.

"Whatever, shouldn't dwell on it. And if it is a secret admirer, he better have a hot best friend."

I laughed and we drove off to the Cooper Union School of Arts.

Opening Act (A 5sos Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now