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Kidnapped.  Held captive.  Abducted.  Call it what you want, but when lIfe turns itself upside down for Charlotte Grace, all she knows is that she will never live her same life again.  

The public is confronted  with what is considered the crime of the century.  An act of pure terrorism and revenge, the situation becomes possibly more infamous than even the Lindbergh kidnapping.  All efforts go out in order to bring Charlotte back home in spite of the kidnappers quickly hindering any attempts at finding her.  

This book contains the unforgettable story of a world - and a girl - held in complete and utter fear of the end.  Will she survive?  What will happen to the girl that the world has fallen in love with?



You know, you never know how good you really got it until everything you have is taken away.  All the time you hear these stories about how “some person at school”’s house caught on fire and, as it burned to the ground, everything in it did too.  You hear about a local gun shoot-off, gang fights, and homicides.  Earthquakes and floods, tornadoes and hurricane. You hear about the devastation these all create and the loss they leave behind them.  You hear all of these tragic stories and feel some sort of a deep, yearning sorrow and empathy for those people involved.  Loss and tragedy are painful.  They try, test, and even beat the strongest of souls, but those people just hearing these stories on the news or radio have no idea how terrible these trials are.  I've never known how terrible these trials are.  I've never had to fight for my life or even deal with the sudden loss of someone close to me.  I've never had everything I'd ever known ripped away from me.  Until now.  

My name is Charlotte Grace and this is my story. 

[A/N- Charlotte's picture is over on the side (: ] 

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