Walking with myself

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I was waiting for my younger brother under the tall tree by my dad's house. The tree has been there for, well since I can remember. Me and my brother used to sit under it and play tag or something silly like that, we always had our heads in the clouds. We would climb the tree to see who could go higher until we both reached the top. After we reached the top we would sit there all day and watch the clouds go by, so free and warm looking. After the big accident he hasn't really been around the tree, it's like when we were younger we had a connection to the tree but now it's like we all grew apart, same as me and my brother. We haven't really talked since the accident no one in my family really talk to me anymore, it makes me worry about my brother, I mean I feel like my family doesn't love me anymore but I bet he feels more about it then me. He has always felt more then me I really could care less about anything else. The only thing I really cared about was my younger brother and my dog.

As I still wait for my younger brother I pick at the dry grass all around me. I don't remember this tree like this it used to be full of bright color and soft green grass. in the fall the trees leafs would always turn bright reds and orange and a dark brown or tan, some times if you were lucky you would find one bright yellow, there was only one or two. my brother used to have a game with the one yellow leaf. We would look all day for the one leaf and who ever found it first would win. We never really won anything just faked that we were the king or queen of the tree for the rest of the day.

It seemed like forever till summer, it was getting dark and cold waiting for my brother, I am begging to think he walked home already... that's to bad I miss my little brother I haven't seen him in a long time now... Oh well he must still be upset from the accident, he wouldn't tell me what the accident was about he just sad there and cried in my arms. I felt upset with him even knowing I don't know what happen.

My little brother is getting so big he would be almost 14 this year I remember him when he was still in a crib crying till I picked him up and held him. I can remember feeling upset seeing him so sad so I would do anything in my power to make that boy smile. I still do, seeing my brother upset is like seeing the end of my life for the last time, Before he was born I could care less if I was dead or not. life was life, like I said I didn't care about much, my dog that's all. when I saw the little blue blanket come threw the door of the house. My life had meaning. That baby boy was my life and I would do anything to make him smile and laugh, I know that weird and siblings should fight and bicker all the time but no he was my brother my best friend. I couldn't have ever asked for a better friend then my baby brother.

Growing up with Xavier was like a dream. He always smiled. His laugh was so warm to hear. I always told my mom he was a prince that the heavens sent us, I also told her that we didn't deserve such a perfect little boy. My mom always agreed and said "he sure is a prince". Xavier was really smart growing up he learned his ABC before he was ever in school and his colors and number really fast. He loved learning new things and meeting new people. He wanted to become a world wide biologist so he could learn new things about the world and the things in it. I supported his dreams always. I taught him everything I could. He loved playing school and being outside. He was my best friend I would go and tell him everything and he did the same to me. In school I watched out for him and he did the same for me.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2017 ⏰

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