Insecurities </3

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There is this wall

it hides me

from myself

from the hurt of my past

and from loving

I've pushed many away

kept them from meeting the real me

from getting to my heart

But one got through

but i refused to drop my wall

I've lost the one i love

the father of my child

i pushed to hard

for now he's gone

i finally let him in

inside my heart

inside my soul

by then it was far too late

now he's gone

i want him back

My insecurities have ran my life

they have controlled every aspect of it

hurt and lost

scared and afraid

sad and alone

i hide once again

not just from myself

but from my insecurities

from the pain

I hate these insecurities

what they have done to me

I'm the only one left to blame

i let everyone that hurt me

make me fear letting anyone know me

Now all that's left to do

is try and try

hope and hope

pray and pray

and never let go

never give up

for i love him

with all my heart

so much it has consumed my soul

he's my world

i want him back

no longer will i allow

these insecurities control me

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2016 ⏰

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