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That was the kid you just wanted to punch.

Just wanted to turn around and just knock his socks off.

If he died, so what?

Really? What would happen?

Those are the thoughts you had all day. I swear, you told me about them every day. You told me stories about what he did to you, and I would just laugh. I would push my problems aside and listen to yours. You always told me about how your life was terrible, and that I had no idea. Sometimes I thought about doing what you described about doing to you. I would think about it, and brush it to the side. Fuck thoughts.

Sometimes you got so angry when you dropped your soda. You would yell and scream and ask me if I had a dollar. I never did. 

You knew that.

You knew that I never had anything, never ever had or ever will. I had pretty nice, you would say. I would laugh and you would look at me weirdly for laughing. I didn't like talking to you, or being your friend. But I was your friend. For one bad seating chart, but one bad teacher, I had to be your friend. One bad invitation led to the next, one bad party, on bad joke, one bad friendship too many. 

I never understood why you wanted to be my friend, never will. I didn't care, I was just your friend so you had someone to be friends with.

That was the penny you picked up off of the street. 

Every time you saw a coin you'd pick it up. 

I would laugh at you.

Honestly, what would one cent do for you? 

You had weird thoughts every day. You never talked much, never voiced your opinion, which I was fine with. I guess it was a good thing, you could never talk back to me, or talk rudely. I remember when you got so angry you would push my sodas out of my hands. You'd smack them out and then keep walking. You weren't a very good friend. 

Sometimes after you would ruin my soda I would ask you for a dollar. You never had one.

I guess you were so mean and so selfish that you could never spare a dollar, or a quarter for that matter. Maybe your parents didn't like it when you gave their money to friends. It took my mom till the third grade to let me even use her money, it took so long because I think we're poor. It's fine though, I don't need much. I'm kinda mad that I'm your friend, mad I invited you to my party, mad Mrs. Spencer sat you next to me, mad I told you that joke.

I'm just your friend so you have one.

What are you talking about? You think you're poor? You think I smacked your sodas out of your hands? Those are lies written in blood!

You're the farthest thing from poor! You live in a huge house with two brothers and sisters, and two parents who buy you things, who give you clothes, who love you and tuck you in.

Do you know what I have? I shelter. It's not even big enough for the few kids who live there. You think you have it so rough don't you? I dare you to live a day in my life. I dare you.

I find it rude that you talk to me that way. I think it is very unprofessional. 

I never knew you were poor. I never knew you lived in a shelter. And you did smack my sodas and drinks out of my hands when you got mad. I could live your life better than you can. 

I dare you to live my life then. Do it.

I will, give me your address. We'll switch for a week.

*                     *                     * 

I didn't mean what I said man, I never realized you had it so bad.

Shut up.

No, I'm serious man. I never meant to say what I did. 

Shut up.

It's just that after I see the world in a different life. 

Shut up. Shut up. Shut up.

No! I'm trying to tell you what I think.

Well I don't want to hear it! You're just saying this because I saved you out there. Without me you'd be lying in a stack of dead bodies just waiting to be burned. I saved your life, and I don't want to hear anymore.

I'm just trying to be friendly.

Well I wish you weren't ever my "friend"

I take it all back then. I take it back.

I wish I left you out there. I do. I wish I never saved you.

If you didn't save me I would not have taken down the Nazi Empire.

I don't care. I don't care.

You'd rather have me dead, then our country's freedom protected.

If it meant you died.

Get over here! I'll kill you!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2015 ⏰

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