Chapter 1

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Chapter 1~


The worst is yet to come. Gaea whispered as she left my mind.

"Percy!" Hera growled.

I was on Olympus and they were planning my death. They had asked me something.

"What?!" I snapped back. "Getting bitten isn't enough for me wanting to die? Or how about your betrayal? All of you betrayed me except Hades, Hestia, and Artemis. And I have secrets that no one knows about."

Lightning crackled but it wasn't normal. It was pure black. Shadow lighting.

Shadows were raging around Hades and he looked extremely annoyed and angered.

I scowled at him. "Hush, Uncle. It's not their fault. It's Ross Martin's. And it's also Lycaon's. Without Lycaon, I would be fine, but with him, I cannot die unless silver." I sighed.

Poseidon stood. "Don't talk abou-"

He never finished because he was pushed back in his throne. He had shock on his face.

"I'm warning you, all of you. Watch your back. I have powers that aren't even possible considering my fake father is Poseidon." I growled.

Something caught my attention in the shadows. I turned to it and sighed.

"Chaos, hello. It'd be nice to actually let people see you instead of me, considering you're quite quiet. And I'm the only one with hearing that can hear 30 miles away." I said.

He sighed and stepped out of the shadows. Everyone bowed except me. I chuckled.

"Perseus, bow!" Athena growled.

I scoffed. "Chaos doesn't like bowing to."

"Thank you for making a point, Percy. Now, stop bowing, all of you." Chaos said.

"Wait, what did you say about Poseidon being your fake father?" Athena asked, once everyone was in their thrones again.

"Er... I'm not his son. I'm only a legacy of his. My grandmother had Poseidon's blood in her, my mom inherited it, as did I. My birth father... he's not Greek, nor is he Roman or Egyptian. He's Norse." I replied.

Everyone gasped.

"So, like Thor?"

I scowled. "Sure, whatever. Anyway, Chaos, why are you here besides stalling me getting killed?"

"I have come to bless you. If you accept, you won't be killed and can only be killed by Chaos Metal instead of silver. You will get 83% of my powers. Also, I'm pretty sure you want to see your uncle and father." Chaos responded.

I sighed. "Better than dying."

A black orb came flying to me and settled into me. It made me feel calm.

I sighed again. "Okay, how about that offer now?" I asked Chaos. He chuckled and I appeared in Asgard with Odin, Frigga, and Thor in an argument. Loki was in chains.

I cleared my throat and everyone turned to me.

I shook my head. "Now, I know my father is an idiot, but what'd he do this time for him to be in chains and be in the throne room?"

Everyone was surprised.

"Greek!" Odin growled.

"Wrong. I'm actually Norse, Greek, Roman, and Egyptian. I'm also part wolf and can't be killed." I corrected.

"Well...." Odin muttered.

I smirked. "If I wasn't here, then I would be in the underworld, and the gods would probably put me in..." I shuddered. "Tartarus. Chaos saved me, and is in that corner over there. I'm beginning to think you're stalking me, or you like dark corners."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2016 ⏰

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