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  • Dedicated to rubywierdo

"She is such a freak!" Kayla Hecks, yet again reminded me of what I am. a harmless word and usually means when a person is a little weird than normal. I am far worse than that. See freak doesn't include that you can see what people's thoughts are, or have a strange circular birthmark on the back of your neck. Nope. Not at all. But, I can't tell her that. It all started when I was 4, I knew then I was different. I used to tell my mother about it and she freaked out when I proved I could do it, and just like that she abandon me. Just told me she was going to the store and never came back. Since my father went "missing" and no one found him, my mother was always on edge. Then, luckily a woman came by named Mrs. Green and she took me in and treated me like her own which was my older brother Troy and my younger sister, Lily. I learned then not to tell anyone my secret.

"Miss. Lite, Is it too hard to pay attention in class?" Mr. Ticks asks me. "Yes it is, when you can see everyone's thoughts like little speak bubbles on their head." I can't say that so I say, "No Mr. Ticks." "I hope not. Well... class we are going to lear-"Mr. Ticks was cut off when there was a knock on the door."Come in." And then, I would have nevered thought that this handsome heart-stopping boy would change my life and how I see the world. But, as they say, Life is full of surprises especially this one.

The boy named "Trevor" as so he says, was handsome. Brown shaggy hair that makes you what to run your fingers through, His skin was a golden-tan, he was tall and muscular but not too much. He had this midnight green glow in his eyes that makes him inhuman and mysterious. "OMG!!! That guy is so hot too bad Miss. Popularity Girl already set eyes on him." Said Jenna, Kayla's second and minion. "Where did he come from?" Lilly says, Kayla's third the nicest of all three and the dumbest. I look at Kayla and see she is already making plans to dump her current boyfriend, Michael, poor him, and go out with Trevor. See Kayla's dated all the popular and hottest guy in W.S.H. (Willowberg Savanna High) and now her latest victim is going to be Trevor, poor Trevor he won't even know what's coming. I look at him, like actually look at him. He was handsome and ....perfect. Was that even possible? Then, I notice that he is staring at me and me only. I wasn't pretty but I wasn't ugly so why is he staring at me and not the Plastics, (Kayla, Jenna and Lilly.) I stare into his eyes and I see proudness. "Why, is he staring at me?" and then I hear, " Hello, Katrina." Says a cool and mysterious voicei look around. There is no one there and then I realized I heard it in my head. Maybe I am a freak, I think I may have finally lost it. Maybe if I reply in a thought it would answer me...yeah right. "Who is this?" I thought. "This is Trevor." Says the voice. Trevor? Trevor? Trevor!. I hear a laugh and notice that The Plastics are laughing because I am staring at Trevor! I freak out and run and trip over backpacks to get to Mr. Ticks and say I need to go to the bathroom. As soon as he gives me the pass, I am out. I go down the halls that have blue and gray lockers and white walls with pictures of all the principles and assistants. I turn a left at the end of the hall and pushed the door open to the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. What is wrong with me? I am going crazy? I looked at the black slightly curly hair, pale skin, blue-grey dull eyes, small nose, small lips, ears that kind of look like elves, average in height, not skinny yet not fat girl. I see nothing special about me, just a freak. And, what is so special about Trevor? Besides, that he is handsome, of course and why him and why me. It isn't going to turn out like one of those Cinderella....Right?


I wonder who could be the source of the power. A boy that is using to charm girls. A girl who makes money appears for clothes. I go to the front office so I can receive a so called "schedule". Mortals can be so difficult sometimes. I look down my list and see which my first class of the day is:

Trevor Sky

Period 1 Social Studies

Mr. Ticks

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2013 ⏰

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