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Kommissar was sat in the bed, swaying violet side to side in her arms. Pieter came in the room and sat besides her. He put a hand on her thigh and said, " We have a beautiful daughter, just like my beautiful wife". He kissed Kommissar on the cheek and she smiled. Pieter left the room and Kommissar put violet in to her cradle. She began to think about how she felt, when Pieter kissed her. She didn't feel the same as she used to. "Maybe it's just because we've been married a while, it's fine." She thought, but as she began to wonder, she realised she doesn't love Pieter the way she did when she first met him.

The next morning, Pieter woke up before Kommissar and made her a breakfast. Kommissar was naked under the bed, her leg hung off the side and one arm was tucked under the pillow with the other on top. Pieter came in the bedroom with the tray. Before he took it to her, he stared at her and smiled. Pieter loved Kommissar. Kommissar woke up and was surprised to see Pieter had made breakfast, she felt a little uncomfortable. She tied up her hair and sat up, revealing half of her naked body. Pieter gave her the tray and got back into bed with her. She finished the last piece of toast and drank the last few sips of orange juice and put the tray aside. *huffff* Kommissar sunk down a little into the bed. Pieter gently placed his hand on her knee and worked his way up. Kommissar couldn't do it. She wouldn't do it. "No, Pieter".
"What's wrong Kommi?"
"Pieter I don't feel the same, about you...my feelings have changed"
Pieter started to tear up and stared at her in silence. Kommissar looked at him as a tear rolled down her cheek. She jumped on him and gave him one last hug. She squeezed him tight and cried. Kommissar quickly got dressed, lit a cigarette and told Pieter to look after violet and she'll be back in a few days. "Where are you going to go?" Pieter said, he wiped his face clean from tears. "I'm not sure, I'll find somewhere, maybe I'll stay in a motel. Just to get my head straight" Kommissar assured him.
She opened the door, took one last look of Pieter and left. Pieter screamed for her and streams of tears ran down his face. Kommissar pressed her back against the door and slid down it, pressing her hand against her head as she began to cry, loud enough that Pieter could hear her...

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