The story of us.

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So I really like this one guy.. but I'm not sure if he likes me. We have been talking for a while now, and its only September. He walks me to class and he talkes to me all the time. The only problem is.. is I'm a Freshman and hes a senior. I think to myself "Is he just trying to have sex? Like most people say" I'm not even sure... I want to believe hes genuily a good guy.. but a part of me has doubts..

a few months go by, and my mom picks me up from school. By now me and Brett walk everywhere together. He walks me to the car and opens the door , and I introduce Brett to my mother. She sais Hi..and its kind of an aqward conversation and so then we say our goodbyes and he walks away and I get in the truck to go home. On the way I ask my mom if she likes him.. and she sais she doesn't know because she doesn't know him. I ask her "do you think he seems like a good guy?" And all she tells me Is "I don't know. I don't know him" which is quit frustrating.

So we continue down the road and all the way to my house. I get out of the truck and as soon as we walk into the door my mother decides to tell my father about Brett.. and he starts to ask me what grade he is in and I panic and tell him that he is a Junior. And he said "Oh okay". So everything was good. His only problem then was that he is 25% black. And my father does not want an interatial relationship.

Soon my family and I were talking about Brett and my brother had the brilliant idea too grab his yearbook and look him up so he did. And they soon find out that he is a senior. They did not like the fact that I lied.. but they got over it. A while goes by and I start sitting at his lunch table with him and a few other people, they become my family. I told them everything and they told me everything.

After a while of me and Brett talking I start too really like him. More than I ever have. The next day at lunch I see him , my palms start getting sweaty and it gets really hot and I can't think straight. The only thing on my mind is "He is so cute" and "does he like me back?" I'm not even sure. Its now December and my birthday is coming up. Brett tells me he will get me something for my birthday but he can not find the money too do so.. December 29th comes around and I walk up to his locker with my palms sweaty as usual and my heart beating out of my chest almost to where he could hear it. He said to me "Hey I need to tell you something" and I say "Yes?" And he sais "I wasn't sure if I should do this or if I could get the courage to do so but I am. " He sais "I really like you".. and he pauses for a minute, looks up at me and his face turns bright red. It was so cute. I knew what the next words were but I couldnt think straight. He continues " Well, I'm not sure if I should ask you out.. " and me here I'm freaking out.. and so I tell him" well.. Its up to you.. its your decision"as I think to myself.. I'm not asking you out... that is the guys job..  and he sais okay.

A week later we do the same thing we do everyday. I walk up to his locker and he sais "I have a question " and I say "yes? " and he sais " Will you go out with me? " My heart races as I say yes in an enthusiastic voice . He smiles at me and the two minute warning goes off. We say our goodbyes and head to class.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2015 ⏰

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