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Y/N sat on the couch next to his/her roommate, Dave Strider.

Though he was an ironic douchebag half of the time he could be a pretty good guy.

You watched the TV screen as he played {INSERT GAME]. The silence was broken as he paused the game and turned to you- motioning the controller towards you.

"'Wanna play?" He asked, that blank ass expression on his face.

Oh, here we go again, Your legs started doing that thing that you absolutely hated yourself for.

They would shake- and it wasn't a random thing, it was whenever he talked to you. You shook your head quickly, gently pushing the controller back towards him.  He simply shrugged and continued to play the game.

A few moments passed before he started up a conversation.

"You're doing that thing again" His eyes still glued to the screen.

"What thing- I'm not doing anything...." You replied quickly, glancing over to him.

"Yeah ya are, with your legs" He motioned his head towards your legs- still paying attention to the screen "It's really fucking annoying too"

You rolled your eyes and stood up, heading to the kitchen.

You opened the fridge and leaned down to look in it. You scanned the items, poptarts, more poptarts, a shelf of AJ, soda, etc.

You heard the noise of the video game stop and heard someone pull out one of the stools by the counter, sitting down in it.

You took a bottle/can of (Drink) out of the fridge and turned to see Dave sitting there.

"You're doing it again" Dave cooed mockingly.

"Shut it you donut!"

He smirked a bit standing up and walking over to you.

You backed up until you were back against the counter and he placed his hands on the counter on each side of you, stopping you from going any where.

You swallowed a lump in your throat. Your drink dropped onto the floor. Shit, you'll have to clean that up later, or make Dave do it.

"You stopped..?" Dave mumbled.


He looked back up to you, the smirk making it's way back to his face.

"Have a thing for me [L/N]?"

"You wish!"

Don't lie to the precious child [Y/N]. Tell him your feelings...

"Oh really...?" He studied you for a moment, your face a bit flustered as a strand of [H/C] hair hung in your face. He pushed it to the side.

"Uh... Dave..?" You questioned.


"What are you doing..?"

"Admiring your beauty" He responded.

Your face flustered a bright red. (Or if your a troll or something idk probably not)

"But wouldn't that be uncool for you"

"Nah [Y/N], what's uncool is if I did something like this-" he lightly kissed your nose.

Now let's just say you look like a tomato now.

Or a crab.

Anything that's a bright red really.

Like Dave's eyes. Oh wait-

You reached up to Dave's shades and slowly removed them. Hey why not.

"[Y/N]" he said softly.

As you pulled them from his face you saw he had his eyes tightly closed. 





"Jesus fuck Dave show me your damn eyes"

"What's the magic word?"


"Nope still not gonna do it"

"But Daaaaaave, we were having a moment"

"No [Y/N]"


"I love you too"

Oh thank god that's over. Did I give you eye cancer for reading my shitty writing? Whoops.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2015 ⏰

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