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"NICOLE!!!... wait," I turn around and look at him. 

"Wait for what?" Jake looks at me with a look that says 'please'. 

"Jake, I can't just wait around for you, tell me what  you want to say or I'm gonna leave," I smirk at him and wait. He takes my hand and looks at it. He just keeps staring at my hand, never even looking up. He ignores the wind that blows around us, the beautiful green trees that stand around us. The animals running around the woods.  He just stares at my hand while rubbing his thumb in circles between my palm and fingers.

"Nicole, I just.. I wanted to say goodbye," he slowly looks up at me and I see a tear getting ready to fall down his cheek. My heart is slowly breaking but I keep my face as straight as I can.

   "Jake, what do you mean you have to say goodbye?"  I ask even though I knew he was going to be leaving. 

  "I have to go back to Ireland, I'm sorry I didn't tell you before I just didn't want to hurt you," my heart breaks a little more with every word he says.

   "It's okay J, gosh I love you so much, I'm gonna miss you," I hug him really tightly then let go and look at him. He is really handsome. He's tall with shaggy blonde hair, he has blue eyes as bright as the sky. He has full lips with a cute nose the perfect size. He's tall, in fact he's taller then me.. about 5 inches. He's every muscular. He's perfect. 

  "I'm gonna miss you too Nikki, at least Raven will be here with you," Raven is his twin. But they don't look alike at all. Raven is tall like him and muscular like him, Buuuuuut he has black hair and midnight blue eyes. He has full lips and a perfect nose just like Jake. Raven changed his last name because he looks nothing like Jake and he didn't want people to know they're twins. 

  "When do you have to leave?" I ask while looking at his hands.
  "I have to be at the airport in half an hour," I look up at him frantically.
  "Jake you need to leave!  you don't want to miss your plane," he smiles and tucks a piece of hair behind my ear.
   "Yes I know, goodbye Nikki, I love you," he hugs me one last time then turns around and runs.

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