Zero Kiryu Short Story

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Zero Kiryu One Shot

Name: Isaris

Age: 16 (I yea younger than zero)

 Past: she met zero through Yuuki. The two became fond of each other and started dating. She is not one of the guardians but zero still makes time for her. She knows he is a vampire but doesn’t care.

Personality: a very friendly girl, trusts too quickly, always happy and fun to be around. She can make everyone around her smile.

Zero and Yuuki both stood by the gate of the night class. As usual Yuuki was having a hard time holding back all the girls. They were trying to run her over. Jeeze. Zero just stood there not doing anything. It could have something to do with that all the girls were scared of him because they knew he wasn’t a pushover. I was standing at the back of the crowd sighing. One girl went closer to zero trying to get past him and apparently was wondering if he would say anything. Ever since zero and me had been dating he had gotten…well…how do I describe it? More….patient…and a lot less scary. “take another step and I’ll make you cry.” he says turning his head and glaring at the girl.

Oh, I forgot to say, he only acted that way around me. Everyone else was the same. Ha-ha. I slap my forehead. But sometimes not so much. All the girls began talking about zero and ignoring him. They began going foreword anyway. He looked back at all of them and threw lightning bolts at them. They all stayed quiet and backed up again. I roll my eyes. Time for me to step in. you see…as his girlfriend, I had an advantage over him. Feeling a pressure on his hand zero looks down at me and see’s me holding his hand.

“Isaris. What are you doing here?” he glares. “don’t tell me you like these beasts too?” I roll my eyes. “Zero. Come here.” I move my pointer finger back and fourth. He rolls his eyes but leans down. I give him a flick in the forehead.

“owe…what was that for?” he says rubbing his forehead. “serves you right for thinking something like that. And I bet you were hoping that I would do something else you pervert.” he turns red.

 “whatever.” I smile. “awe…you’re blushing? How cute…well…here you go.” I ran up and give him a kiss on the cheek. He tensed up. Sometimes it was hard for zero to be so close to me because of his thirst for blood but somehow he learned to control it. All the girls started whispering. I look at him.

“ I can do whatever I want.” they all glare at me. I ignore them. I didn’t care what they thought of me. Unexpectedly, Zero wraps his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him.

“do you have a problem with that girls?” Zero said glaring at them. They all shrank down to mouse size at his glare. I sigh.

“you’re such a typical boy.” he looks at me. “well they are rather annoying and the safest place for you to be is right next to me.” I smile. Sometimes he was so sweet.

“I’m not letting those blood sucking beasts get near you. They aren’t going to touch you.” I sigh. Typical zero. To ruin a sweet moment with that. As soon as the door opens his grip on me tightens. I guess that was why he put his arm around me. He clearly hated the night class more than anyone could hate a person. kaname walked past us, stealing a glare from zero. they exchanged glances. kaname's eyes shifted from zero's eyes to him arm that was arounf my waist. all the girls were squealing over kaname.  zero's glare only deepens.

 "nice to see you zero, isaris. have a good day." kaname continues foreword. i look down at zero's other hand and it was resting on his gun.

"zero..." i say. "fine." he puts the gun away. he was so cute. 

 "come on." i drag him along with me. he is hesitant. "hey, since when do you wanna be on girl duty?" he doesn't answer me. "fine. be that way. but im pretty sure that Yukki can handle them on her own. besides, you want to keep me safe from all the vampires right?" this was so going to work. he wraps an arm around my waist. bingo. i am so amazing at this. i truely didn't care about vampire's honestly. but i knew how much zero hated them. he told me once.  

Zero Kiryu Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now