Things To Do Before You Die-#1 Start

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      "I HATE BENDING DOWN TO KISS BUT WHEN WOULD I FIND SOMEONE TALLER THEN ME?" My friend, Tanya, shouted. "AND IF I DID ID RUN FOR THE HILLS-"  I started, but she butted in and we both sang the last part. "CAUSE SHED LOOK FUCKING SCARY!" We bursted out laughing, as the people on the streets stared at us. "Freaks." a kid muttered, while walking past. I stuck my tongue out at him and he bolted. We laughed the whole way to my apartment. I unlocked the door and set my keys on the counter.  Tanya jumped on the couch and jiggled her butt. I laughed and turned on the T.V. "Be right back, I need to go get the mail." She nodded and I left. It was getting dark and i skipped down the steps. I unlocked the mail and grabbed it, humming under my breath. I was about to look up when a guy ran into me. "Hey!" I said, then realized that the guy was hot. He grinned and shook his head "Sorry, I didn't see you." I said it was totally alright and he said his name was BriBry. "Hey, I said. Your that youtuber!" He smiled sheepishly and nodded slowly. I didnt think and I wrapped my hands around him and squealed. I pulled back suddenly "Sorry." I blushed. He grinned "No Problem." "Hey!" I said. He lifted and eyebrow curiously. "Wheres Candace?" I said. He looked down and turned away. He grabbed his mail and started to leave. I put my hand against his chest and pushed him back. "Look, Im sorry to upset you, but you dont need to storm off. Just tell me its personal." He stared at me and spoke, "Its Personal." He walked away and I stared dumbfounded. Rude. I threw out the junk mail and I went upstairs. I sighed and was about to open the door when I looked over to the right. It was BriBry. "Wait, your my next door neighbor who is always screaming?" I said, surprised. He nodded and shrugged about to go into his apartment. "Wait!" I shouted. He looked over. I ran up to him and hugged him. "Im sorry about you and Candace. And we got off to a bad start and I dont want that for my favorite youtuber in the world and by the way you smell really good, is it aftershave or cologne-" I said into his shoulder before he shushed me by wrapping his hand around my mouth. "Sh." Was all he said. He didn't take his hand away so I licked it. "Ugh!" He shouted, wiping his hand on his skinny pants. "Nice Trousers." I said. He grinned and took my hand, leading me to the bench on the upper floor. He whistled when we sat down and I sat silently. "Have you ever wondered how it would feel to kiss someone random, someone you just met, just because?" Bribry said suddenly. "Oh yeah, a LOT." I said. He smiled and looked down. "YOLO, right?" I said, almost like a question. He took my hand and put it in his hand. "Bribrys things to do before you die- kiss a pretty stranger." He said. I furrowed my eyebrows and he pushed his lips against mine. I stared at him surprised. He had his eyes shut and he was really enjoying this. He layed me down and layed on top of me. He somehow managed to keep his weight off of me. He explored my mouth as soon as I let him in. I ran my fingers through his hair. "HOLY SHIT!" Tanya said. I pushed him off of me and blushed. "What the actual fuck did I just see?" She said, still in shock. "Erm, me maybe, just maybe, making out with my youtuber idol?" I said. She shook her head and walked away. "Sorry about that I said." He pulled me into his lap and kissed me teasingly. I managed to grab his head and held him so he could stay kissing me. I pulled apart and stood up. "Bye, BriBry." I said. "Wait, what about a number?" He said. I shook my head "You are just desperatley craving the love that Candace gave you, so you took it out on me. Goodnight." I said. I gave him a kiss on the cheek. I opened my door and found Tanya crashed on the couch. I shook my head and smirked. I sighed and went to my bedroom. I changed into some PJ's and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

                               A/N Hello, its my new story, catypilhairs! Well yesh, It is about BriBry, because i am insanely obsessed with him. Period, and sorry if you hate it. You can leave. KBAI.

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