Chapter 1

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*OC is mine

You felt really chipper today, a smile on your face. You had killed some enemies and had a slight party with your consorts, sitting in your kitchen chair, you opened your laptop. The screen popping on along with a Bing from your pesterChum, opening the chat device. You looked to see who was on, only a couple was on. The person you hate that is, snarling, you quickly looked through the list. Even looking in a different server list. You randomly scrolling through, also sending random 'Hi's or Heys' to random people trying to start a conversation. Your Pester beeped, indicating that you gotten a message. Checking on who it is, your brows raised to see it was one of the people you message earlier. But you were surprised that they had got back to you that quick, so you opened the chat box.

(PesterChum)[PC] started peastering (zombieAttacker)[ZA]

[ZA]:hmm whaT dO yOu waNT
[PC]:You don't need to "sound" rude ya'know.
[PC]:I'm trying to be nice and your like all out mean.
[ZA]:whaT wOuLd yOu LiKE?
[PC]:I just wanted to talk. Not much. :)
[PC]:So can we?
[ZA]:i guEss. whO aRE yOu?

Your eyes narrowed as you pursed your lips, debating what to say next.

[PC]:Since I told you, you tell me now.

'Aww.' He shared the name of your favorite character, but he said 'Not like in the game.' Or something like that, you had this urge to meet him, like everyone else you meet.

[PC]:I want to see you.
[ZA]:i'LL COmE sEE yOu.
[PC]:No, I'm coming to see you and that's final!

There was a long pause, you assumed he got off. But finally he responed,


You smiled to yourself again, you couldn't wait to see what this person looked like.

OC!Leon Rocket X (M/F) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now