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By Stepinde Mayo

One day, did you know there was a secret cult of vampires that lived forever but not forever for their emotions were darkness like black hole. But then boy vampire was king of sprinkle cupcake vampires who were his cupcake people who need cakes but the cupcakes turn into cupcakes then the cupcake vampires eat the cupcakes and that's how they get blood. So, then the youngest vampire was named Tedward Culinary because his family was the best at the sprinkle cupcakes. The boys of the family were all total hotties like really hot like really hot guys. And then they go to the school but they were cool kids and Nutella Swan was the new girl and had crush on Tedward at first sight. But for some reason,he could not turn her into a cupcake. Even though he wanted to, he thought her sprinkle power was beautiful. And a car tried to hit on her but Tedward saved Nutella from the car. And Nutella fell in love with him. And then Tedward had to do the hardest thing in his life which was to tell Nutella he was a cupcake vampire so he let her ride on his shoulder like a parrot and he took her to a very romantic place in the forest and took off his shirt in the sunlight and his skin turned to sprinkles and he was delicious AND FIND OUT WJAT HAPPENS IN MIDNIGHT 2 BOOK OF SPRIKLES SADDNESS.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2015 ⏰

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