Hello and Goodbye

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"WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT?" I asked angrily.

Hello, my name is Lukas Bondevik. I'm Norwegian and I'm a Viking...
I live with a Swedish man by the name of Berwald, a Finnish man named Tino, my little Icelandic brother Emil, and this annoying Dane by the name of Matthias... I absolutely hate him, but yet I adore him, and I don't know why.

Maybe it's his gravity defying hair that I wish I could run my fingers through, maybe it's his smile that surely must be brighter than the sun itself. He is quite handsome... I don't have any problem thinking like this, but I do have a problem with actually telling him...

What if he rejects me? Then it won't be the same after that...
I love him... But yet I still treat him badly... Whenever he tries to sneak an arm around my shoulder, I push him off and move.

But that's gonna change today...

Anyway, continuing on with what made me very angry.

"Calm down... It's only for... Well... Until... You know what, you're gonna be there for quite a while." Tino explained.
"...really? I'm stuck with him? Well... I guess it won't be so bad... I mean, he's not a bad person or anything..." I tried to mumble this, but all of the other Nordics heard it anyway.
"Wa't, are 'ou be'ng ser'ous?" Berwald asked with his monotone voice. ((And yes, his accent only takes out I and Y... I hate when people just take out every vowel because it's not like that and then you can't read it... Like if I say bat but put b't, that could be anything.))

Matthias looked at me with a shocked expression.
"What?" I said while crossing my arms and looking away, trying to conceal a deep blush creeping up on my face.

"I-it's just that... You didn't act coldly... It's like you just admitted to having no problem being around me when I know that's a lie. You've always hated me..." Matthias said with one his fake smiles, he was trying to fake happiness.

Like he always does.

He is quite a sad person... He only keeps up this happy facade to keep everyone else happy, so they don't have to worry about him... But I know better.

"Anyway, I guess we should leave then... Ya know, I've never been to your house... Denny." I said absentmindedly and I soon regretted saying that last part.
"D-Denny?! When did you start calling me that?" I felt my cheeks heat up, "well... You can keep calling me that!" Met this finished with one of his killer smiles.

Matthias and I had to walk about 5 miles to his house. It wasn't too far away, but with all of my stuff, it was a bit hard. I started to stagger when we reached 3 miles. Matthias saw me and I almost passed out from pure excitement.

"Hey, Nor," God, I loved it when he addressed me with a pet name, "would you like me to carry you? I can also carry your stuff..." Matthias asked this with a bit of caution.

Before I even had time to answer, Matthias picked my stuff up and carried it on his back, while he picked me up bridal style.

I was pretty flustered at this point... Like I was pure red. Antonio might have mistaken me for a tomatoe at this point!

"So..."I didn't know what to say at this point... Matthias was strong, so I didn't need to worry about him dropping me or my stuff.

Mathias flinched at my words.
"Why did you flinch?" I asked.
"I was expecting.... It doesn't matter because we're here!" Matthias said with a fake chuckle. He was bad at hiding his sadness when he was around me... It seemed as if he tried too hard.

He always seemed to pull at my heartstrings... And each time he did, he pulled me with them.

He put me down and I sighed like a child.  He heard this but decided to ignore it.  Leading me in the house, he showed me around his quite large and elaborate house.

I was amazed by the details put into each room... When Matthias led me to a room with dark blue walls with a white outline, and red furniture, I recognized it as my countries colors.

"What's up with the color scheme?" I asked dumbfounded. 
"Hm? Oh! Those are your countries colors aren't they? I didn't even realize that..." Matthias put a hand through the back of his silky and blonde hair.
"I can find you another room if you want... But it might not be the best... There are only 3 bedrooms and the other one is kind of trashed." Matthias said with a puzzled look.
"What about your room?  I don't want to sleep alone in this house on the first night..." I once again said absentmindedly.

Matthias blushed a deep shade and was quite frantic.
"Are you feeling well?!  Lay down and I'll get you some water." He said.
"What, wait, why would I need water? I'm not sick.  I just don't want to be lonely." I responded.

"Oh... Well you never act like this any other time." Matthias said with a hint of sadness.
"Well... Maybe it's because I don't know what say around you!" I said, getting a bit more angry.

Matthias blushed.
"Well what do you mean by that?" Matthias responded with a lustful look.

"F**k off." And with that, I left.  Angry at myself more than him.

"Real smooth, dumbass." I murmured to myself.

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