Hey, Ben :)

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Dec. 19, Monday

I usually hate writing, but this will probably be the last thing keeping me sane. It’s so boring, I started talking to myself.

I would call you Ben. You’re a notebook.

Now I’ll briefly fill you in on what’s happening. My name is Zozo and I’ve been snowed in. Literally. The windows will seriously break and snow will come in, and I’ll be living “Day After Tomorrow”. Brilliant.

I’ve been stuck here since the day my parents left 3,4 days ago. No, there’s no tragic story about why my parents left.

Dec. 20, Tuesday

Hahah, sorry Ben, I fell asleep while writing...

My parents? They just dug a hole to China for some important meeting and left me in this hut with cereal for breakfast, burritos for lunch and undercooked rice with dried meat for dinner. I’m not complaining about my diet.

Just like my parents presence was repelling the storm, now that they’re gone, my hopes of daytime skiing and nighttime interneting have been brutally crushed. The internet’s out and I’m sick of video editing and playing chess with the computer. The beginner level is too easy, whilst the intermediate level is just unbeatable.

Today I discovered a game on the computer on which you can bake cakes... It is actually pretty entertaining...

Dec. 22, Thursday

If I got the date wrong, pardon me, Ben. The first floor windows are completely covered up and you can barely see anything on the 2nd floor. I keep the lights in the house turned off if possible. I might transform into an owl in a few days... that would be really cool.

Yesterday I went into Hulk form. I, myself had no idea what was I pissed at, maybe the fact that the higher power decided that cutting me off from civilization just wasn’t enough.

You know, Ben, for the past 15 years, I have been cut off from civilization, not entirely though, and that’s what made it even more torturous. I could see everything that was happening outside, but there was no way of communicating. Then I went mad. Only for a few minutes, but it was enough to cause some damage.

Ben, I no longer have the computer. I had subconsciously thrown it against the wall.

Dec. 23, Friday

Hey Ben, I wonder if my parents tried to contact me... Nah, they might be wrongly assuming that I’m out having a pre-X’mas party. I have to find something to do.

Dec. 24, Saturday

There are only 3 burritos left and my cereal and milk ratio is now 3:1.

I have officially moved into the living room.

Dec. 25, Sunday

It’s Christmas morning, Ben! I found my camera.

Dec. 26, Monday

It’s a friggin’ 32GB SD card?! How the hell it ran out of space?!

Dec. 27, Tuesday

Hahah, the whole house looks like a paper crane factory... they’re everywhere. I’ve tried the hang them up, but that’s taking too much energy and I’m getting a little bit hungry. I wonder when I’ll run out of paper?

Dec. 31, Friday

Huh, no food... Looks like I’ll have to go into hibernation. LOL. Happy New Year, Ben.

Hey, Ben :)Where stories live. Discover now