Knight in Shining Armor, My True Love

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                                                                            Pig's Hero...(͒)͒

Today is the day that I confessed to the person I like... But he dumped me. Kate's tears stream down as she curls her legs more towards her. She cries on her knees in one dark corner of their school. She is hated by almost everyone. That is what she thinks.

"Jun-ssi, I—I like you, so please go out with me." It takes a lot of courage for Kate to confess her feelings for Jun. He's one of the most popular guys in their school.

Kate sees him looking at her with disgust on his face. He looks as if he sees something horrible. "Huh? Me? Dating you? I'm sorry, but I can't date a pig."

As I thought, he can't date a person like me. Stupid. I'm so stupid! "Ah—Is that so? I'm—I'm so—sorry for bothering you."

That happened just a while ago. She feels so embarrassed since Jun makes fun of her confession with his friends.


She raises her head from resting it on her knees when she heard a sound. Taemin sunbae!

Kate looks away when she meets Taemin's icy stares. "I—I'm s—sorry." She stands.

"Where are you going?"

"Huh?" She stops and faces Taemin, but head is still facing the ground. He's the no. 1 popular guy in school.



"I said sit down."

"O—Okay." She sits back to where she is sitting. She does not want to argue with him. There's a rumor that he is a moody type of person.

Kate takes a quick glance to Taemin. She notices a bruise on the side of his lips. She looks away again when she notices that Taemin is looking at her from the corner of his eyes.

*rummage* *rummage*


"What?" He said with a cold tone.

Kate gulps her own saliva. "Here... G—Get this handke... Uhm... Your... Your lip. It's—It's bleeding."

Taemin looks surprised at first, but manages to maintain his cool presence.

"Gwenchana. I think someone out there needs it more than I do."

"Someone?" She looks around, but she can't find anyone.

"Pfft." Taemin suppresses his smile. "Pabo." He stands and turns his back on her. He stops in the middle of the hallway. "I'm referring to you." He walks away again.

How did he know that I need it? He was not there. Oh... I'm the talk of the town... I guess? With this thought, Kate cries again on her knees. I don't want this. I don't like this miserable life. Is being fat that bad? Wae?

*Late afternoon*

"Kate! Would you mind helping us bringing this stuff to the preparatory room? Seongsanim asked us to bring this back."


"Please go ahead and take this." Her classmates give her a big box full of stuffs from their experiment.

Pig's Hero { One Shot (SHINee Taemin)}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora