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"Los Angeles, California: a city filled with hopes, dreams, botched nose jobs, and smog. Maybe I was naive when I moved here for college four years ago, but I honestly thought that the city would be, well, more like the movies. I'm not sure why, but when I first got on the plane to LAX, I'd been convinced that the whole place would be filled with palm trees, women walking down the streets in tiny swimsuits, and celebrities in every coffee shop. That's what had been sold to me all my life but what did I get instead? A lot of parking tickets, for one, and the realization that I'd rather stab my eyes out with a fork than drive to the beach from where I lived. Bikinis or no bikinis, nothing was worth sitting in the traffic that constantly lined the 405 freeway. For the most part, though, what I've come to realize is that this city is just weird.

Really, really weird."

-- Scott Donahue


Hi, guys!

Above is a short snippet from the first chapter of Check, Please. I hope that you're all as excited to read it as I am to start writing it! :D

To be honest (and realistic), I probably won't start posting the story on here until late September or early October because I'd like to have a good chunk of it pre-written in case my schedule gets even more hectic. I wrote Sleaze serially and while that worked when I had a lot of spare time, I can easily see myself falling behind if I try to write this sequel on the fly. Still, it'd be great if you could add the story to your libraries in the meantime. I promise that I'll try to make the story worth the wait!

While I hope that you'll ultimately enjoy both stories, please be aware that Check, Please will be a very different story from Sleaze. Scott and Parker are fundamentally different characters and the issues in this story may hit closer to home for some of you. As a fair warning, there will likely be more swearing in this story, along with cruder language in general. What can I say? It's a story about frat boys. :P

Anyway, thank you all for your support and I look forward to posting the full first chapter on here sometime soon! <3

Love always,


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