The Pineapple Apocaplypse Featuring: Denmark & Norway

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I changed the story to pineapples from watermelons at the last minute!
Sorry to those who thought it would be about watermelon lol.
Went the pineapple as it hit the ground. The other pineapples saw this, and became disturbed. They United as one body to take down the murderer of their kind.

Meanwhile, Matthias looks at the plate of pineapple on the table. He notices a slight ripple as the pineapples begin to fuse and form a greater being. As the pineapples finish their sacrifice, the Pineapple God rises out of their ashes and moves to attack Matthias.

He is extremely surprised, and isn't ready to defend himself. The Pineapple God grabs his neck and holds him up, shouting,

"You will pay for what you have done to my kin!"

All Matthias can think as he fades into unconsciousness is,

"All is lost...."

However, at the last moment, he realizes a simple fact. He poured the remnants of his remaining strength into fighting the darkness of asphyxiation and attempts to make one final move.

He eats the Pineapple God's head as his strength begins to fade. Moments before fainting, Matthias hears the Pineapple God sigh and whisper,

"The pineapples are doomed,"

As soon as these forsaken words are uttered, every pineapple in the world begins to act. After months of travel, they all arrive at Matthias's house.

As soon as the first of the living pineapples arrive, they immediately chain Matthias to a wall to prevent any further damage to the pineapple species. Finally, the commander of the pineapples arrive.

He takes a look around the place, and starts to devise a plan.

"We will fight," He says, "to protect our species, and end our enslavers, to free us from this bondage!"

The pineapples cheer as he takes his position on the kitchen table. As he starts laying out his plan, Matthias starts to awaken from his dark slumber. As he regains sight, he immediately notices the sea of pineapples around the room.

"We will start by using him," the commander says, pointing to Matthias, unaware that he had regained consciousness. He quickly laid out the plans to have the pineapples construct a mind control machine to use on Matthias.

When Mathias heard this, his mind went into a state of panic.

"Mind control me?!" He thought,
"I must find a way to stop this looming pineapple apocalypse!"

As he attempted to free himself of the chains, footsteps could be heard coming from the stairs.

The pineapples quickly notice another human in the vicinity, and efficiently form a barricade to stop the newcomer. The human, it turns out, was Lukas, and the pineapples moved to intercept him.

Matthias, from his spot on the wall, helplessly watched as the sea of yellow and green overwhelm his friend.

Stricken with grief and a renewed determination to end the species of pineapple, he rips the chains from the wall and starts attacking the pineapples around him in a frenzy.

The pineapple commander, stunned at the sudden movement, shouts orders for his army to attack Matthias.

"WE MUST END HIM AT ALL COSTS!!" Shouts the commander, realizing the imminent threat.

However, Matthias, with his energy and adrenaline, eats the pineapple one by one as they fruitlessly charge forward.

The pineapple high command watches in horror as the army of the future is demolished in front of their eyes.

Finally, after a stunning half of the colossal pineapple army had been devoured, the commander calls a retreat. Matthias, however, knew the strength of the army would regain and pushed onward, following the pineapple as they marched toward their base outside the house.

In one fell swoop, he pounced and ate the remaining pineapples that were running away.

"NOOOO!" Shouted the pineapple commander, as his fellow soldiers and friends were being ripped to shreds by Matthias's unforgiving teeth.

He gathered his 4 remaining troops, the elite guards, and ordered them to form a strategic lineup.

Matthias, filled with the dead corpses of fallen pineapples, slowly trudged forward to meet the remaining resistance force.

The last of the rebel pineapples rushed forward, plagued by thoughts of defeat and being eaten. In their recklessness, they allowed themselves to be captured by Matthias's right hand.

In the last moments before the commander himself was shredded, he thought to himself:

"Well, this is how the army ends,"

He takes a sip from his wine bottle embedded in the juice of his body. The last of the pineapple species are demolished by Matthias, and the species becomes extinct.

Matthias, full of the tasty pineapple he once carelessly dropped on the floor, looks out the window into the sunset.

"What a wonderful evening," he thinks, as the pain in his stomach becomes too intense to handle and he starts losing control of his consciousness.

As his body slowly refuses to function due to the large quantities of pineapple in his stomach, Matthias lays down on the carpet and sighs.

He dies, filled with his favorite fruit, knowing he had just saved the world from impending doom.

The outside world continues nonetheless, oblivious to the fact that their world had come so close to being destroyed.....

So close to going into the hands of a destructive species that they ate daily.....

And the hero, Matthias, lays dead in the room, awaiting discovery.

The end.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

I literally have nothing to say except,
Ok I'm just gonna leave this here.
Have fun reading this ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Remember, if Kaneki Ken, then you Ken too!
Hasta la pasta~!

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