Tied Together

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Hey my beautiful lovely writers :3 I hope you like the new cover because I absolutely love it :D

It was made by my very dear, very special friend Shax_Panda, and becasue of that she earned herself a dedication with tears and everything, though it's probably not enough to tell her how much I love her and am grateful for having her once again >.< She's awesome guys, I'm telling you, and she's the most amazing person I have ever met and I love her with all my heart :3

So this story is now for you Shals, for being so amazing and wonderful :D

Without further ado, I really hope you enoy the story as much as I enjoyed writing it :D

-> Desyre

             I don't know if you've ever heard of it but there is a popular myth in East Asia that says people who are meant to be with each other are tied with a red thread. The place where this red thread is tied to depends on what version of the myth they're telling you. It can be tied on the ankle or on the little finger. It is said that a deity ties the thread to the people that are meant to be together and that no matter what this thread never breaks. It may tangle or extend for who knows how many miles but it will never break. This thread is supposed to be invisible and no one should be able to see it but ever since she can remember Keiko has been able to see it.

                With the pass of time she started to wonder why she had that thread tied around her pinky and she did the research. She searched for any information she could fInd, she poked around in books and in the internet. But the question she could never answer was why she could see the thread and other people couldn't. Nobody apart from her could see the thread and when she was little it was something that drove her crazy. Also the thread wouldn't come off, no matter what. She tried everything, cutting it, untying it, or slipping it off, and nothing ever seemed to work. It always stayed there no matter how many years went by. But, you want to know what's worse? Even though the myth says that the thread leads you to your destined person and all that, she couldn't see the rest of the thread. She could only see the bit that was tied to her pinky.

"Keiko! We're leaving for work! Hurry up or you'll be late for school!" Her mom yelled.

"Alright!" She yelled back.

                When she heard the door of the house close and saw the car leave, she grabbed her bag and left her room. She went down the stairs, grabbed a cracker and left. Every day was always the same, her parents left for work and she left for school after them, to avoid seeing them.  It's not that she didn't like her family it's just that they were never able to see the thread on her pinky finger and never believed her. They thought she was crazy and even sent her to the shrink and made her get a lot of medical tests. But they all came back with the same result: nothing. Nothing was wrong with her, Keiko was perfectly fine and healthy as a horse, but she could see a thread tied to her pinky. Then they thought she was lying and started ignoring her when she mentioned the thread on her pinky. With time she just stopped mentioning the thread and her parents thought she got tired of lying. It made her angry, the way they passed her off as a liar without a second thought, but she couldn't really do anything about it, life was just like that.

                School, for her, was just boring. Classes were all the same and she didn't like any of them. She still listened to them and took notes but she didn't have a favorite class like all the kids in her grade did. She didn't have any friends either, because everyone remembered her as the crazy girl that saw a thread on her pinky, or thought she was a liar. Either way, they stayed away from her. Every day was the same as the last one, she would be alone everywhere she went, and nobody would talk to her, but that was about to change because she was going to a different school. She had begged her parents to change her for a while, and finally they said that she could change schools after middle school. This meant that she wouldn't have to go through high school in that school where everybody knew her. That day was her first day in the new school, where nobody knew her. Maybe things would be different this time, maybe she'd have friends, maybe school wouldn't be torture now.

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