De ja vu

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“Ugh. THANK GOD ITS FRIDAY!” Charlotte literally shouted at the top of her lungs as we walk along the hallway, some people stared at us. Me at the middle Charlotte at my right and Nathan at my left. These are my Best friends.

“You got that right girlfriend.” Nathan said faking a gay voice and gave Charlotte a High five.

“But we have home works for the weekend.” I said pouting as we reached our lockers.

“That’s just not fair! Weekends are supposed to be the time where we spend our free time resting or having fun. Not doing such freaking assignments.” Nathan said each word disgustingly.

“I feel you.” Charlotte and I said in unison.

As we finished with our lockers we walked towards the cafeteria. It was not crowded as it was already dismissal and most of the students are already off home. Well, except for the cheer squad and the varsity’s for they have practices. My friends are friends with them except me. Well, Nathan is in the basket ball team while Charlotte is a football “hottie” as to what I and Nathan call her. Both of them have no practice today for they said they have to do something important. It’s very rare for a coach to let one of his team member skip practice but both of them are really good athletes so there coach has no problem with them.

We bought our foods and sat at the farthest table next to the glass window.

“So, let’s get this important matter done with Girlfriend!” Nathan said and winked at me as he started munching on his burger.

“You guys are really awesome you even skipped your practice just to listen to my dream.” I said happily and started drinking my coke.

“Of course Briseis, even though it sounds pretty weird” Charlotte smirked and continued “So, what is this dream of yours that’s really bothering you?” She moved her face towards me placing her elbow on the table and placing her chin above her palm for support. Nathan noticed what she did and mirrored her.

And I started my ‘SO IMPORTANT STORY’ to them.


I was walking my way home and was already sweating like a pig. Actually I don’t usually walk home. It just happened that my mom who is supposed to fetch me got an emergency meeting. No choice but to walk. Hey it’s good for the heart. So, I was cursing under my breath how tired and hungry I am and blaming my mom for not buying me my own car. Hey! I’m already in 12th grade. A car stopped next to me. A Silver BMW to be exact. I walked faster. The car kind of creep me out. I was already ahead of the car when a not so familiar voice called my name. I turned back and…

I can’t clearly see his face it’s kind of blurry. But as to what I can see right now he looks like someone girls would giggle and flirt to. A hot guy to be exact.

I just stood there like a statue not knowing how to react. Should I run? What if his going to kidnap me? Or rob me? Well that would not be possible he got a freaking BMW why the hell would he rob a not even owning a toy car girl like me. But still my heart skipped a beat every time he step his foot walking towards me. This is really the good time to run. As soon as I was about to make my move….

“Hey, are you ok?” he waved a hand in front of me. I guess it’s too late to run away now. He stood in front of me but I can’t still see his face clearly it’s kind of foggy. I felt my forehead & hands sweat and my stomachache this is how my body reacts whenever I’m nervous.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2013 ⏰

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