Dead End

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Based on the song 'Hide and seek' from SeeU

The evil gleam in his eyes alarmed her. "What are you planning?" She hissed in disgust. "I'm thinking about visiting your daughter." There was no point in hiding the excitement in his voice. "Stay away from her!" the white haired woman yelled while struggling against the snakes that were holding her back. "You're sick." Her mother said. The snake just laughed it off. "You've just noticed?" He disappeared and raised his arms in his new body.  This was his favorite form. It was stronger than the rest. He walked out of the room, making sure he wasn't seen. He walked over to the living room. Removing a painting showed a small locker. He entered the code into the panel. 1508. The locker opened and he pulled out the gun, sliding it into his pocket. This time would be different. He was very bored by doing the same thing over and over again. He walked over to the kitchen, seeing the queen making tea. He decided to have a little fun, giving back her memories from all the timelines. She hadn't noticed him when she dropped the teacup. She gripped her head in pain and fear. He snickered at her weakness, which made her look up. Her eyes widened in fear as she got up and ran as fast as her legs could take her. She had to get away. He walked after her with big steps. "No point in hiding, my queen. I'll find you anyway." He said. She ran even faster, but she tripped. She tried to get up again, only to get kicked in the side by someone she used to consider a friend. He grinned and pulled out his gun. He wasn't going to kill her, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't inflict pain on her. He aimed for her leg, bad choice. With all the strength she could muster (Which wasn't a lot) she kicked the gun out of his hand. She dived to it and grabbed it from the floor. She aimed and shot. She missed the first shot but the second one hit. He hissed in pain. How dare she try to kill him?!? A voice inside his mind laughed, though. 'If she kills, her eyes will change.' He grinned and she shot again, again, again. She shot until she ran out of bullets. His body fell and turned into Konoha again. Tears streamed from her eyes. She killed Konoha. Suddenly, she heard someone talking. The weird thing was that it was from inside her mind. 'I have finally awoken.' She was scared. "Wh-who are y-you?" 'I am the staring snake.' The voice said. 'When someone with a snake inside them directly kills someone, their snake awakens.' Marry shook her head. "That can't be true!" She said while rubbing the tears out of her eyes. 'You are mistaking. It is the truth. Now I'm awake, it's time for me to take control again.' Right when the snake finished its sentence, Marry was unable to move her body. 'What did you do?' she shrieked, but her voice wasn't making any sound. It was echoing through her mind. "Now, this body is very fragile, it would be a good idea to find a puppet. The airhead already died so I guess we'll go for the ghost girl." The snake said and moved her body. Marry tried to stop it. 'What are you planning to do?' Marry asked her. She was afraid of the answer, but she still wanted to know. "I'm going to kill them of course." If Marry was able to control her body, she would have gasped or widened her eyes, but all she could do now was let out a strangled cry. 'DON'T HURT MY FRIENDS!' She cried out. She was sobbing, but no tears were coming. All that happened was an evil smirk forming on her face. She slightly kicked the corpse, and shoved it out of the way after that. She would pay attention to it later. She stepped into the living room, and saw Kido sitting on the couch. She walked to her from behind and hugged her. Kido jumped up from surprise. When she looked behind her, she saw it was Marry. She was looking down and her bangs were covering her face. "Oh, it's just you." Kido said. Marry took a step forward and reached out a hand to Kido's head. She gripped her hood and pulled her head down, connecting their lips. Kido's eyes widened, but fell close after that. She lost consciousness.

Kido POV:

I opened my eyes to something else than I was expecting. I was holding Kano against the wall by his neck while he was nervously laughing. "I'm sorry I ate the cookies. I didn't know you still wanted." He said while still laughing nervously. I was confused. 'What are you even talking about?' I asked, but my voice echoed through my mind. 'What?' Suddenly, I said something else, but I wasn't talking. "This will be your punishment." I felt the corners of my mouth curling up, and my other hand hit his chest. His eyes widened and he screamed, even though I didn't hit him that hard. Suddenly, I noticed I was holding something. I tried to move my arm back to see what it was, but my body wouldn't move. The voice spoke again. "You recognize this feeling, don't you?"  She said while laughing at him. He was struggling against my grip, but I was stronger. I felt my hand turn and he screamed again. 'What is happening?!?' I yelled, but nothing happened. Until the voice spoke again, this time in my mind. 'I am the concealing Snake. The queen woke me up to assist her. She doesn't need more puppets, so I'm eliminating the nuisances.' 'What?!?' I yelled at the snake. 'Just sit back and enjoy the show.' The snake said, and I tried my hardest to move my body away from Kano, but it wasn't working. I felt my body move on its own, and my hand moved back to reveal a bloody knife. Kano was crying from the pain and tried to hit the knife away, but that resulted in my hand tightening around his neck. While he was still struggling to breathe, he spoke. "Kido, why?" I was trying, but no tears were coming; only a sick and twisted grin. "It's all for the queen, so just die already." With the knife I cut off his head. His body fell to the floor, and I picked up his head, carrying it under my arm to the living room. When I walked into the living room, I saw Marry choking Momo to death. I wanted to run to her to help, but my body just stood there, watching with a grin. 'STOP HURTING MY FAMILY!!!' I yelled, but I knew it was hopeless. All I could do was hope this was a horrible nightmare.

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