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You are so excited, jumping up and down in the line, trying to calm the erratic beating that is your heart. Here you are, standing in line with two of your best girl friends, waiting to step into a concert. Not just any concert, an EXO concert. Your absolute, favorite kpop/cpop band.

There's no denying it. You're excited to see your beautiful bias perform live.

He's just one of the lead singers. The joker, the troll, the wonderful Kim Jongdae, also known as Chen. Your heart might burst, and it almost does, as you take a step and become just another member of the audience.

Words cannot describe the amazing performance they put on. Nothing can describe how light your heart feels during the whole thing. It's pure magic. You are one of the screamers, yes. You once again thank your friends; they'd paid for the trip with the massive amount of money they both have. They're lucky to be rich, you think. But oh well. The three of you have seats right up near the front, only a few rows behind the first row. You're close enough to see their expressions, and that's all you need. It's an ot12 performance, as in both EXO-K and EXO-M. All 12 members. 

It's been two and a half years since their debut. The EXO fandom is thriving and the more fans you see that love Chen, the more you feel as if you are one of many. Like the less chances you have. So you desperately need this. You need more EXO. You need more songs. You need more Chen.

And that means you also require the thick cord of string that hangs loosely around your neck.

It's no secret that after this trip, you'll owe your friends a lot. But all worth it. This "necklace" that you had on is the reason why even the thousands of other Chen fans couldn't ruin your mood today. The concert is at least two hours long, which is wonderful. Absolutely perfect. You absorb everything -- every detail-- and you also record the performance on your video camera, which you had prepared for this day.

As you are watching the performance, completely mesmerized by the gorgeous group that is EXO, something strange happens. It could have been part of your imagination but..did Chen just look straight into your eyes for a second? As if he wanted to talk to you? As if he saw you out of the tens of thousands of people there at the concert? You have no idea, but your heart rate never goes down until their performance is over. And after the concert, you and your two friends are lead to a very special place.


Yes, your rich-ass friends had enough money to purchase backstage passes for the three of you, your pass now hanging by the string around your neck. This could not get better. Your friends rush ahead of you, you try to keep calm. You have your iPod/iPhone case with you (on the device, of course) and you plan to have him sign it so you could keep it forever. Simple as that. Just the evidence that his hand touched the pen you have in your pocket, wrote your name across your phone case, then handed it to you; that would be enough. Just one issue. Apparently there were plenty of backstage passes because the boys were utterly surrounded by an impenetrable wall of girls. Your friends, who had gone ahead before, are one of the many in that so-called "wall". You try to push ahead through, but you are shoved back. Literally. One of the girls, not even looking at you, screams at her bias to sign something for her, and pushes you back. You fall to the ground, hurt physically and emotionally. You don't know what to do. No matter how hard you try, these girls won't go away. Part of you understands why they are doing what they are, but another part of you just had her dream crushed.

You trudge away to go wait for your friends outside. As you are walking with your back to the crowd, slowly away, you hear the fangirls behind you scream very loudly for a second, and then there's a silence. I wonder what just happened? You think, alarmed. You're about to turn around when a hand on your shoulder stops you from moving at all. You look at your right shoulder. The hand is obviously male.

He turns you around slowly. You look up at him. His mouth moves slightly as he thinks out loud, probably thinking that you can't hear him. "So you're the girl..." is what he says. You keep staring at him, you're mouth slightly open as well, but not whispering. You're gaping at the person standing before you, with his hand still on your shoulder. He's touching you.

It's Chen. He seems well aware by the fact that you're speechless, and also aware that he's still touching you. He takes his hand off your shoulder quickly and does a small bow. He's so cute, it's insanely adorable. "Hi." He says, with a smile that could your heart. Your heart's already beating fast enough, you really don't need this.

You try to find your voice and manage to stutter out a quiet, "H...Hi."

There are a few fangirls looking at you with daggers in their glares. The rest of the girls are back to screaming and talking with the other members, getting autographs and whatnot. You remember your case in your pocket.

"Can - Can you sign this please!" You ask him, holding out the iPod with the case side up. He chuckles. His voice... He sticks out his hand. You give him the gold sharpie that you brought with you. He takes the case from your hands, brushing his fingers against yours briefly, and signs it quickly. He smiles and hands it back. "Thank you!" You say, still very shy, and you wait for him to walk away. But he doesn't.

"Can..." He begins. You look up. He's awkwardly scratching his head, as if hesitating. You wait for him to keep going. "Can I...have your phone number?"

"What? I, uh, ohmygo--! Of course!" You sound a little too excited, but you tell him your number without missing a beat. As you say it, he takes out his phone and punches the number into what seems to be his contacts page.

He bows, "Thank you", gives you an amazing smirk, and walks away. With the utmost perfect timing ever, your friends arrive back with signatures from their biases. Having not witnessed the scene that just happened with you and Chen since they're not very tall compared to the other fangirls, they laugh when they see your expression. Your eyes are still wide from surprise, your cheeks completely flushed, and your hands protectively guarding your phone case.

"C'mon, are you done?" One of your friends ask you, then take a glance at your phone case. "Looks like it! Let's go! We have another reservation later." Rich people and their plans, you snap out of your daze and follow behind them. As you are pocketing your phone, it vibrates. Curious as to who it would be, you look at the screen. It's a text from a number you don't recognize. Wrong number? You type in your password and go to your messages.

Your heart almost stops, for the millionth time that night.

"Annyeonghaseyo, my name is Kim Jong Dae, and I think you're cute."

[EXO FANFIC FOR CHEN] Lucky GirlWhere stories live. Discover now