Chlucie ~

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Note to readers, this is the only 'Chlucie' fanfic you will find on wattpad, just yet ;)

Chlucie is the shipping between Chloe and Lucie (@heytherechl0e & @lucielester) whom i've became slightly obsessed with lately. Please read it and get to know them, I hope you enjoy.

~ Lucie's pov ~

I sat in bed cuddling into my toy carrot called Christian, well, Christian Carmie Philip Daniel Lester Howell Calum Cowan Meechan the Carrot to be precise. He was probably one of my favourite things to cuddle into at night, he was my only sense of security. Thats right, I felt safe around a bright orange cuddly carrot with a pair of trousers on. I felt like such a baby, but then again, the toy was from the childs departement of IKEA.

Some nights, I wished I had someone to cuddle into, not a toy, but a real being, but then again I was fourteen, so a toy will have to do for now. Most of my nights were spent in my bed, with my eyes glued to ipod reading numerous fanfictions of my favourite youtubers Dan and Phil, yes, I ship Phan.

Tonight was just another average night for me, the blind was pulled down, but I had forgotten to close my window, not only letting in the crisp, below freezing wind, but the high pitched screeching of my neighbour Anthonys chickens, those bloody chickens I thought to myself as I swiped my finger quickly left across my ipod to reveal yet another chapter of an extremely dramatic fanfic which i'd started on earlier that night. Although the noise was distracting and on the verge of unbearable, I couldnt bring myself to take my eyes off such an upsetting start to a chapter, I wont tell you about it, i'll only cry.

So I led myself yet again into the land of fanfiction, blocking out everything around me and letting a few salty tears roll down my cheek as I read about Dan kissing Pj instead of Phil.

Sometimes I find it upsetting I have no one to fangirl over Phan with never mind any other youtubers or bands, sigh, people I know kind of suck.

The next day

I opened my eyes and rolled to the other side of my bed to pick up my ipod, hoping someone had updated in the small hours of the night while I was sleeping, I mean, I went to sleep at two, someone should of updated in the space of four hours. But I was left disappointed with only a twitter notification. Sigh, better get ready for another gruelling day of school.

I got myself up and into the kitchen to make a large cup of coffee and watch the disney channel for about an hour, im such a child for my age, but I really couldnt help it, some of the programmes unrealistic story lines somehow managed to grip me so I found myself mesmerised by 'Good Luck Charlie' or 'Shake It Up' for hours on a daily basis. I sat trying to fully awaken myself with the aroma of a big strong cup of coffee, but no breakfast, im not a breakfast kind of girl usually.

After a while I took myself through to my room and sat down in the mirror, allowing my many One Direction posters to stare at me from behind, some people may find it quite intimidating, but to me it was relaxing to see my five favourite boys every day, but I wasnt only a fan of Dan and Phil or One Direction, Black Veil Brides, 5 Seconds Of Summer and other bands like that took up a lot of my interest and a lot of wall space too.

No one at my school really liked any of them, I mean, not as much as me, so I could sit and fangirl over anything quite as much as I could do on the internet or on my loner in a corner of my room, if I did that at school i'd end up friendless and inherit the title 'fucking weirdo' so I kept myself to myself most of the time and hated a lot of people.

When I saw a lot of people I mean pretty much my whole year, but shh.

At about eight I trecked the ruffly five minute walk to the bus stop to catch the bus to school, it was probably the worst part of the day as most of the time all the seats were taken up or the rowdy first years just pissed me off, but I had a few people I could at least talk to for the journey, making it a little less painful.

Little did I know that today was going to be a lot different than a typical Wednesday at my shithole school.

It all started after the bell went and I slowly walked up the stairs to class to sit next to my 'friends' in Re class, the class itself was a bit boring and usually dragged on, but the lesson of colouring a picture from a story we'd been studying seemed less effort, therefore seemed that slight bit more bearable, especially since we could talk and colour at the same time, allowing time to go a little faster.

A little time after the bell had rung and we had got started, our head of year came into the class, bringing in a girl with black hair, sporting a blazer, looking a bit posh to belong to a school like this. None the less she got taken in and sat at our table. I decided that we were going to be friends.

At first I was unsure with what to talk about but music was the first thing that came to mind as I played with the zip on my One Direction pencil case, which im pretty sure she hadnt noticed yet. So i asked her what bands she liked.

"I like My Chemical-" she said

I was praying hard in my head that she ended that with Romance and not Brother or some unknown band shit, but she did, the girl liked My Chemical Romance therefore we were friends, I had decided, it was decided.

Oh btw here name was Chloe.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2013 ⏰

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