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Five Years Ago. . .

"Victoria are you almost done with the frosting?" Nicole's smooth voice asked her daughter who was standing on a chair frosting the cupcakes in the kitchen. Victoria turned to face her mom with frosting around her lips, making it clear that she had been taking small licks of the frosting. Victoria's face broke out into a silly grin as she nodded her head viciously.

"Yes I am!" Victoria's little nine year old voice giggled as she turned back around to finish the job. Nicole shook her head, smiling at her cuteness. Victoria was small for her age, that was why she still had to use a chair to stand on when she helped in the kitchen or brushed her teeth. But never the less, her confidence was ten feet high.

"Why did she get to do the frosting and I got stuck with putting on the sprinkles? She's nine and I'm twelve, I'm much more skilled!" Liv complained as she added more sprinkles to the cupcake with way to much frosting on it. Liv loved her little sister, she really did. It was just the fact that sometimes Victoria got to do more 'grown up' jobs than her. That was the part she did not agree with, Nicole thought that it was simply the age she was at. She wanted to be treated more like an adult who people took seriously when really she was just a twelve kid. But Nicole made sure she felt like she was taken seriously so she wouldn't 'Ruin her confidence'.

"You two are only three years apart, you know? You guys are more closer in age than me and you, Liv." The oldest of Nicole's daughters spoke out from her spot by the sink. She was eighteen years old, she was a adult which made Nicole proud yet sad that her little girl was growing up real fast. She was grown up, technically.

"Yeah but Victoria just turned nine in November! And I am turning thirteen in September so we're nearly four years apart!" Liv argued back, determined to finally prove Remi wrong. But at last, she didn't.

"It's February, you still have a long way to go till September so. . ." Victoria pointed out before Remi could, Victoria certainly did have a sassy side.

"Exactly, Victoria. You guys are still three years apart just like me and you are six years apart! It's just the way it is, kid." Remi shrugged her shoulders, she liked to mess with Liv and knew how to push her buttons. For example, she just called her a kid therefore making Liv mad.

"I'm not a kid! You know what, you should just go back to doing your dishes." Liv huffed, turning back around to finish her sprinkles duty. Remi smiled to herself as she turned back around to wrap up doing the dishes.

"You girls need to stop bickering so much, I never like it when you fight." Nicole gave a disapproving look towards Remi as if saying, 'You're eighteen, she's twelve. Who's the mature one, you or her?' Remi ignored the look and carried on doing what she was doing, smirking slightly though. Sisters argue, it's just what they do. They still have each others back even when they're mad at each other.

Just then the front door opened and in walked Henry, he had snow on his shoes and lightly covering his winter coat he wore. He smiled as he took off his coat and stomped off his shoes, he could smell the sweet treats coming from the kitchen.

Victoria let out a squeal and dropped the frosting bag as she saw Henry walk into the kitchen. She leaped off the chair and into his arms quickly, she was a daddy's girl for sure. "You're home!" She giggled, wrapping her arms around his neck as he hugged her.

Remi flicked her wrists, letting any loose water fly off before she ran over to hug her dad's side. Liv was already hugging his leg with a goofy grin plastered on her face. Nicole giggled softly at the sight of all three of them hanging onto him like their lives depended on it. She waited till they went back to what they were doing before he walked in, before she kissed him softly on the lips. Ignoring the gags of Victoria and the eye roll of Remi and Liv.

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