The sleepover

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Cameron's pov
( the director of Stitchers said that the episode takes place mostly in a creepy mansion)

It's 2:17 am I'm supposed to be sleeping but I'm not, I can't. We did a stitch today that was really messed up and we ended up in a creepy mansion and a lot of crazy stuff went down. I acted like I was fine afterwards but honestly I am still chilled to the bones from the whole experience. I'm glad to be interrupted from my own thoughts by a knock at the door. At first my brain scrambles at who is knocking at my door at now 2:20 am. I immediately know who it is when I hear " Cam, it's me, please open up." "Stretch" I think in my head. Usually I would be annoyed by the fact that she came to my place at 2:21 am but I am secretly slightly grateful that I have the company. I throw on my glasses and head to the door, as I open it I pretend to be annoyed, as not to throw her off.

"What Stretch?" I say as I open the door to greet her. I am completely thrown of when she throws herself into my arms, seemingly upset and just stays and clings to me in silence. After a few moments pass she lets go and wipes a few tears away from her eyes. Kirsten Clark crying? I didn't even think that was possible until this very moment, even she seems astonished by her own emotions. "Hey" she says quietly but loud enough that I can hear her.
"Hey" I respond, "Are you okay, Cupcake?" "Um yea, she responds, "I just didn't want to be alone. I'm sorry if I barged in, I'm gonna go." She turns around to walk away but I grab her hand as she is leaving. "Wait, Kirsten I honestly don't wanna be alone either, if it's okay with you, you can stay over if you want." "Yea thanks, Cam." She says "You can borrow pajamas." I say as I go to my room and pick out a black t-shirt and some plaid boxers and throw them over to Kirsten who is now standing at my couch. She smiles and goes into my bathroom to change.
While she's changing I make some popcorn and put on Doctor Who, I feel like she needs that right now. She comes out of the bathroom, my clothes looks so baggy on her, it's cute. "Hey exactly what I wanted" she says I'm not surprised I think, I know her too well. We sit and watch tv for a while, barely speaking. I think we're both sleep deprived, but I'm enjoying the silence and I think she is too. After what seems like forever Kirsten says "You know Cam, I really do appreciate this, you know that right?" "Yea Stretch, I do" I respond. We both yawn at the same time, "I think it's time to go to bed, if you don't want us to be zombies tomorrow." I say, Kirsten nods in agreement "I'll just take the couch" She says. "No" I say, "You deserve a bed to sleep in." She looks at me funny for a second. "Are you sure, won't that be... Weird?" I pause for a second "No, it won't be weird, we've had a sleepover before, it's really not a big deal." She looks at me "Sure, thanks." I smile and we both walk into my room.
It's sorta awkward at first like when we get into bed were turned facing away from each other and you could for three sumo wrestlers in the space In between us. "Night, Stretch" I say "Night, Cam" she says and we drift asleep.

It's 7:47 am, I just woke up. I look around the room then down beside me. I had almost completely forgot about what transpired the night before. But it all comes flooding back to me when I see Kirsten. Her head is laying on my chest, our legs are tangled and her arm is wrapped around me with her hand resting on my shoulder. At first I'm delighted but then a cloud of worry forms over me. What do I do? I could wake her up, I mean we really do need to go down to the lab. But if I wake her up then she'll know what happened and will be freaked out. If I try to weasel out of our current position then she'll never know what happened and I'll be stuck with this experience inside my head and she'll never know, also if I try to get untangled from her, then I could accidentally wake her up and she would know anyway and possibly be offended. I guess I took to long to figure it out because during my thought process she woke up and quickly sat up and untangled her legs from mine. "Um hey" I say trying my hardest not to be awkward and make her uncomfortable. "Hey sorry I didn't mean to... Invade, I think it just happened in the middle of the night." Kirsten says "Yes it's um fine, I know that this wasn't on purpose, it's uh not really a big deal, just a accident." "An accident" she repeats her eyes locked on mine. Slowly her lips press against mine and stay there for several seconds. "Totally not intentional" I joke as we both laugh. She lays her head down back on my chest and we go back to our original position as she wraps her arm around me. And with that, we fall back to sleep.

Hey guys sorry if that was too long but I think that the beginning and how they ended up "cuddling" is gonna happen but the end is definitely not gonna happen. I just put it in to give people a bit of Camsten. Anyway
I'm really excited about the Halloween episode, thanks for reading and comment!

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