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I am Niall James Horan, the 17 year old who does nothing but eat, sleep and write music. Oh, and on top of that, I'm gay, and I hate it. Every single college I go to I get bullied. My body may as well be a pallet for all the bullies to try to kill me on, because that's all they ever seem to do. 'The bullying has got to stop.' is what my mum always says, but I barely speak to her now. She loves me, I love her and that's just the way I like it. I'm not going to change, but Doncaster College sounds horrible, and yet again, just another college I have to put up with. I can't wait until I'm older, until I can finally be set free. Oh well, let’s get Doncaster College over with, I just want to bullying to stop.

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