I gotta tell you the truth

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Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters other then My Ocs. Thank you.

When you're a Prince and your Father was one of the scariest and powerful beings in the universe, You don't make friends very easily. And no one knew this better then the young Prince Kurzia.

Kurzia was the son of the evil Lord Frieza, Nephew of the mighty Cooler, and Grandson of the ruthless King Cold. This was all true.....But He wasn't any of that. The 16 year old was calm, witty, goofy, and a brat at least half of the time. Kurzia almost didn't get any traits(Other than his appearance) from his father's side. He was more like his mother.

His Mother was Queen Fragola*. , She was the daughter of a duchess from a planet named Xartina. He didn't much about how that was even possible.(According to his mother, Xartina was very very far away from his home planet of Varzin.) But he never questioned it, nor had time to.

Back when his father was around, he ever spend time with him. Not even to train. He was always so busy traveling the universe. Then his mother always kept a healthy distance from his Father. Unless she was called for. That was the only time he saw her actually. If his father was not home, she worked for his Grandfather and helped his uncle when he was there. She was busy all the time during the day.

But at night, his Mother was always around. She would always appear at his room and sit with him. She'd tell him stories and sing him to sleep. Tuck in him and then leave. They did that every single night.

And Now it was even worst, his Mother had been taking his grandfather's, uncle's, and father's duties. She has been even busier than before and it was rare he saw her. Again, another thing he didn't quite understand.

So what was the Prince to do on a morning where he had no school? Ever since his Mother took over, She has brought Earthings who, In her words 'Have hit rock bottom and down know what to do', to Varzin. She has also brought teachers from other planets to Varzin to teach the Varzian Children and Earth Children of other planets. The Prince attended these classes happily but made no friends. So on the two days where he had free time, He was always alone in his room. Today was no different.

It was an Atturya* and like normal, Kuriza was all by himself bored out of his mind. The only person, or think really, that would being around him for more than twenty minutes was a stuffed Rabbit he named Egor. He had got the rabbit when he was about 8* from his Aunt on Earth. For about 10 years, that was his only real friend. It was sad really.

"Egor.....Why does everyone avoid me?" Kuriza spoke softly. He had taken up ranting to the toy. He started this when he was around 9 years of age and continued till now. It was easy for him, The toy couldn't move or speak back so he can just talk and talk until he gets tired.

"I mean my grandfather and uncle are somewhere across the universe. My Mother is always busy now. I don't have any friends........Even my father just left me....." Kuriza frowned and looked at the Rabbit, wishing it would talk back for once. But like always he got no answer.

"Egor......He left when I was 8 years old. I'm 16 now and he has never came back. Has never called me. Not even on my birthday. The same with Grandfather and Uncle Cooler. I know I have Mother but......She is never around. It gets lonely all by myself you know? Sometimes, I feel unwanted. Like thats the reason why they left. They didn't want me anyone so they just left me with Mother and bailed. I wasn't strong enough to be his son. They left beca-"

Knock Knock

"Kuri? Kuri, are you awake?" Kuriza gulped and thank the heavens that his mother didn't hear him. He grabed a random book and sat back on his bed. He took a deep breath and wiped away the gew fresh tears on his face. He quickly hid his face behind the book.

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