Three Words One Meaning

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Hi my name is a Shawnee I know weird name for a girl but my parents are hippies so I guess it's okay. So you wanna know about the hippie girl named Shawnee.

Here goes nothing.

It's 1971 and I'm 15 years old. I have two little sister's named Beta who is 13 and Eva who is 16 months old. Beta is a beautiful,brown haired,green eyed,skinny girl. Eva is a brown hair brown eyes normal looking 1 year old. Me on the other hand I'm the only dirty blond hair blue eyed girl in my family.

My mom owns a boutique. That sells up to bell bottom jeans to bangles. My dad is an artist it's not a well paying job but we manage.

We live in a three bedroom apartment on top of my mom's boutique. I share a room with my sister Beta. Our bedroom has beads,Janice Joplin posters,a typewriter,and two canopy beds.

I start school tomorrow as a sophomore. I can't wait to see my two best Friends Kit and Rocky. There always there for me. I don't wanna see Julie though she has always been mean to me since 7th grade. But I guess it's okay. So school was about the same thing.

When I came home a big nightmare was waiting for me. My little sister Beta was laying on the couch. My mom said she was going to take her to the doctor. They learned she has cancer.

They sat me down and told me my little sister has lung cancer and has 6 months to live. I cried right then and there. They took her to the hospital to do treatments. It's funny how one moment she was fine and now she has lung cancer it happened so fast.

That night we sat in our beds and talked.

"Hey umm Shawnee."

"Yes Beta do u need something."

"Umm no but do you think I'll die or live."

"Beta I know you will live."

"Thank you Shawnee I love you."

I knew she probably wouldn't live but I couldn't tell my little sister that she was dying. And the words do you think ill live or die kept swirling in my head. I finally fell asleep.

Two months passed and Beta is in the hospital. The doctors said her lungs are feeling up with fluids fast. They also said that she is getting worse by the second. I haven't gone back to school since she first went in the hospital. Rocky and Kit have visited her a few times. I've cried every night and spent the night at the hospital any time I can. What makes me really sad is if Beta does die Eva won't even remember.

  So today Beta has had cancer for four months now. And she is dying. They said she has a week to live. Today her lungs filled up with a lot of fluids. Before she went in the e.r. she says I love you Shawnee. I knew she knew she was dying at first I was wondering why she said that but now I know.

   My mom and dad were sitting in the waiting room. I was sitting in a little nursery with Eva but there was a window so I could see the waiting room. After about an hour a doctor came out to talk to my mom and dad the next thing I know my mom is crying. I grab Eva and run out to the waiting room the doctor says

"I'm sorry Shawnee we couldn't save Beta."

   I drop to my knees and start crying then I ever had before. Cause I know ill never see her again. My little sister is gone forever.

   It's been a week since she died her funeral was the saddest thing I had to sit through. There was so much crying and most of it was mine. But that night I was sitting in my bed wondering how many other kids have this type of cancer. Then it came to me if I start an organization to raise money to help find a cure. If I do I could help save millions of kids life's.

     So the next day I made whole bunch of ideas ill call it  Beta's Three Words:I love you. I spent all night figuring stuff out and for the past few weeks. I've been trying to raise money. For my charity I go all over the world. Now I really know what my sister meant when she said she loved me.

Three Words One meaning.

  So that was my story about a girl named Shawnee. If u liked comment. If u think I should add more to it or make a book two comment below. Or if you have a story u want me to read. Or if u just want a simple follow. So thanks to all the people that read my book. I put a lot of work into it so thanks again. Hopefully you'll vote for it and I will get fans. And give me ideas on what to write next either pm me or comment on my page or this. Thanks again I love you guys so much.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2016 ⏰

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